british movies are great. they move so much more slowly than american movies, but they seem to have even more content. quite cool. and the frequent use of the phrase "bugger off" is cool too. just watched "about a boy" on tv. all about being a nerd and social rejection and stuff. decent movie. anyway, tommorow will be long. get to school for 7:15 band. then finish out school. then band till 6. then at 6:15 meet for the stupid homecoming court thing before lion revue. then lion revue. then three days concert in parking lot. i'm gonna be tired. got my dci players reward thing in the mail. if you don't know what that is don't worry about it. it's a magic the gathering thing. got a spiffy (god what a gay word) new dci member card, a demon token, and a goblin token. cool stuff for free. my teeth hurt. stupid braces. my lip hurts. stupid poking things on my braces.
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