will's blog...

because YOUR life sucks...

Thursday, September 11, 2003

today was fairly long and uneventful. i did get my 1st grade buddy for tempo though. his hame is josue (pronounced ho-sway). he didn't seem anti social or anything and seemed happy to play blocks with me. i'm glad i didn't get an unresponsive kid or anything like that. computer science involved a lot of quake playing. english was boring. ac dec was boring. band was boring. life is boring. i hate thursdays, they are 12 hour days for me... ugh... get to school a little before seven and because of band and private clarinet lesson get home a little before 7. sucks. oh well. i had a rather interesting experience this evening. just before dinner (we were having chicken soup... which as you'll see is quite a lucky coincidence) the doorbell rang. we put the dogs out back and open the door. it is some kid i dont' know completely soaked and shivering like crazy. he asks if he can use our phone so me and my mom let him in. he calls his mom to come pick him up while my mom gets a warm towel out of the dryer for him. we give him some hot chicken soup (see, quite handy) and he tells us his story. apparently he's a homeschooled kid who lives in addison. he's in the equivalent of this senior year. he was down here with some friends hanging out when one kid he's known for a few months decides to steal a caulk gun and something else from some hispanic worker's toolbox. the kid who stole the tools rode away on his bike leaving the wet kid and his 14 year old friend there. the cops come and detain the two kids. the workers tell the cops that they all stole the tools and that they threw tools all around and stuff (the apparently decided to frame the kids for doing more than was actually done). the cops let the 17 year old kid (the one that came to our house) go and kept the 14 year old in custody since they didn't want to have to put the 17 year old in jail. heh, i guess they were cool cops, which is odd in da branch. anyway, as the kid was walking off the hispanic people drove around him in their trucks and harassed him and yelled at him. he came to our house because my mom's vw beetle was outside and he didn't think a hispanic family would have one of those... actually rather funny. his dad soon arrived and took him home. it was all quite interesting. well, that's my day. wow, i really didn't think i'd blog this long the first day of my blog. cool, perhaps this will actually get some use...heh...


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