will's blog...

because YOUR life sucks...

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

and now for today (be sure you read the last blog). got up at four this morning and did my english paper. fun. i work well in the morning. i think it's the pressure. in the morning i have no opportunity to procrastinate so i just get it done. i should start going to bed at about 7 and then getting up early everyday to do all the stuff i need to do. comp sci was good. we modded some more of the sounds and i began working on a new map (taking a break from the school project). the map is basically just one big pit in which you fall. when you get to the bottom you teleport to the top. once i get all the bugs worked out it should be fun. english was dumb. the summer reading circles are retarded. oh well. they're easy grades at least (i hope, heh). we have to start writing pages in our learning logs again. man, i strongly dislike doing that. oh well. tempo was cool. we talked about turning points. i'm not at liberty to say anything else. hehe. went to chicken and rice for lunch. grease = happiness. in acdec we studied music with tole since hurst was gone. spare. after that i went to the world experience room to eat leftovers from food day. yum. then came band. we got a good deal done... but OMFG... some of you may know that i have an allergic reaction to stupidity; when exposed to it for prolonged periods of time i begin to tremble with anger. yeah, that happened today. it hadn't happened in a while. meh. when i got home i immediately left for stevo's. him, tim and i had a mini freeciv lan party. fun. i won. ph34r the canadian empire! bow before the maple leaf! now i'm home. don't wanna go to sleep. sleep is weak. i have 463 mp3's now thanks to the ones i got from stevo. w00t. i am cool now. i can't think of much else to blog about. crap i just began thinking about stuff. that's never good. hmmm. why are there no gamer chicks around here? i mean... WTF... OMFG it pisses me off. i mean... other schools have gamer chicks. i have many friends who know such girls at their respective schools. sux0rs. perhaps there will be some gamer chicks at utd. that would be cool. that's all folks.


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