will's blog...

because YOUR life sucks...

Thursday, October 16, 2003

man, it dosen't seem like it's been that long since i blogged.... holy crap... pisses me off.

ok tuesday first. pretty normal day. in comp sci i made a really crappy map. made me sad. oh well... i guess they all can't be genius. english was... well... english. we did iambic pentameter and all that "fun" stuff. in tempo it was a buddy day. josue was doing pretty well. he, elliot, elliot's buddy and i played a bowling game for the whole time. it was cool. those little kids were good. i was surprised. after that was ac dec. we studied lewis and clark. good times. after school it was time for rpg club. i got to play a little bit with my awesome monk. he pwned. totally kicks ass. he is the best evar!!!!!!11. had to leave early for ortho appointment. left ross in charge of my character. ortho was boring. didn't take too long thankfully. that night we had an ac dec meeting at tole house. we studied art. weak. came home. sat around. stayed up unecessarily late. slept.

time for wenesday. woke up. breakfast. shower. school. band was ok... we got a little bit done. people can't remember anything. we'll fix something then work on some other part for a few minutes, then when we go back the part we fixed will be just as bad as ever... bums... in physics we finished our lab. we have a test next time. that is really cool since hurst didn't tell us anything about it or what's on it, other than it is gonna be hard. what a spare. i'll have fun not studying for it tonight. in government we did a dumb poster activity in groups that dealt with article one of the constitution. i'm tired of studying congress. hopefully we'll move on soon. i want to get to the part of the class where we analize other forms of government... if there is such a part. i hope there is. came home for a little bit during senior out. i then went back up to school to make up an english quiz i missed last thursday when i was getting my rope course on in tempo. after that was band from 3 till 6. that's a long time (just in case you didn't know). after that was home. did a bunch of english homework. puluzzi is satan. oh well... what can ya do?

this in comp sci we worked a bit on the concept of our mod. "king of the hood" it's gonna be a king of the hill mod... but with gangsta's... sweet. we also played some quake III pong. good times. in english we did rhyme and alliteration and such. more fun. in tempo we did some stuff. you guys aren't cool enough to know about it... unless, of course, you're in tempo, but then you already know. heh. in ac dec it was more lewis and clark. w00tin' cool. heh. thanks for the phrase ben. had my lesson right after school followed immediately by band. 3 hours and 20 minutes of band... TOTAL SWEETNESS... oh god the sarcasm. came home. ate dinner (left over roast). fed the dogs. sitting here now.

i'm thinking about starting a website that will be a visual blog of my life and then carrying around my digital camera everywhere and taking lots of pictures and just posting them... maybe even with funny captions if i'm in a good mood. hehe. oh the possibilities.

well, that's about it. viva la revolution.


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