will's blog...

because YOUR life sucks...

Thursday, November 13, 2003

i've been sick. just been sleeping, not much to blog about...

if you want to hear a good old fashioned rant ask me about the veterans day ceremony... heh...

this is funny:

Top Ten Reasons To Date A Magic: The Gathering Player
1. Women are amazed that we use the word "priority" so often.
2. We are tabula rasa: We have no preconceptions of kissing, having sex or doing things with girls, so you can train us the way you like.
3. You don't have to put up with our friends, we don't have any!
4. A magic player is usually good with their "hands"....
5. He'll always ask 'okay?' after he says something, to make sure you don't want to counter.
6. They always announce when you're going to the next phase of the relationship.
7. (Insert a random joke about how they want to 'tap it')
8. Some are known to be good with the weenie rush.
9. Others like complete control.
10. When he says that he 'pumped' someone like Serra or Jeska, you know he's not cheating on you.

It's too bad girls would only get a few of these... even newbie magic players wouldn't get some of them... heh... at least i can always count on my hardcore tournament level friends...


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