so i'm ridiculously bored... time to do a hella long quiz i stole from ross's live journal... yeah, i really am bored...
1.) What's your first name? William
2.) Middle name? Jarvis Austin
3.) Last name? White
4.) Nicknames? uh, i guess Will counts. slick willy, free willy, big willy style, god. heh.
5.) Zodiac Sign? aquarius. that old song sucks (age of aquarius).
6.) Gender? Male
7.) Birthday and age? Jan. 28th, 1986. 18.
8.) Where do you live? Richardson, Texas
9.) Do you have a boy/girl friend? depends if you wanna count imaginary ones. :)
10.) If so what's his/her name? n/a
11.) Have you ever been in love? dunno
12.) What's your favorite color? black
13.) Sibling(s)/Name(s): none
14.) Shoe Size: 10 1/2 (had to pull them off and look)
15.) Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
16.) Hair Length: shaggy and long... i'll get a haircut someday...
17.) Light/Tan/Dark: uh, i guess it's referring to skin... so pasty... w00t!!!
18.) Small/Medium/Large Eyes: what an odd question. let's assume that i have big blue eyes that someone could lose themself in.
19.) Do you have any piercing or want any? no, and not really
20.) If so what do you have pierced? NA
21.) Do you have a tattoos or want one? not in the least
22.) If so what kind and where? n/a
23.) Where do you shop at the most? wally world, bitch.
24.) What color is your hair? Dark Brown
25.) What color are your eyes? Blue
26.) How tall are you? not sure, haven't checked in a while.
27.) Do you smoke? i'm a second hand smoker.
28.) Do you like to eat Skittles? uh, sure, as much as the next guy...
29.) Do you do drugs? nope
30.) What kind of music do you like? PUNK! (i'm punk rock! BLEH!), and really anything else.
31.) Who are your best friends? uh, a few people, don't wanna list cause i might leave one off.
32.) Who are your friends online? those same people.
33.) Who could you tell almost anything to? i have a few really really close friends... you know who you are.
34.) What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? the cheap kind.
35.) Is your hair short or long? wtf, way to ask twice.
36.) Do you like to shop? sure.
37.) What sports do you play? chess, the game of kings.
38.) What are you most scared of? that big bee in the alley (props if you know the reference).
39.) What is your favorite animal? rabidfishmonkeys
40.) Who were your crushes? dunno... just kinda depends...
41.) How many phones do you have in your house? 3 cell phones
42.) How many TV's do you have in your house? 4
43.) What are your favorite foods? ooh, that's hard... let's see... donuts, cereal, oatmeal, basically anything at ihop... yeah, i think you see the trend.
44.) Do you look like anyone famous? well, i like to think of myself as hotter than that one guy all the girls tend to swoon over. yeah, you know the one.
45.) Do you think Brad Pitt is attractive? HELLS YEAH!!!
46.) Who are the most attractive people you know? well, what an embarrasing question.
47.) Are you a virgin? ha, you like how i dodged answering the above question? yeah, i liked it.
48.) What cologne should a hot guy wear? not axe because most guys i know that wear it insist on spraying it on everything, themselves, others, random inanimate objects, you name it.
49.) What are you listening to right now? the offspring - americana
50.) Who are you talking to right now? brittany (from camp) and phil online.
51.) What time is it? 6:08 pm
52.) What's your favorite saying or your quotation? it's hard to pick just one, so i'll list a few...
"some people just think they're better than others!" - asuka langley soryu
"acts of men are better than acts of god!" - misato katsuragi
"a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - joseph stalin heh.
"why the hell do they call him silent bob anyway?" - randal (from clerks the cartoon)
"i'm so fucked up." - shinji ikari
"the power of death is intoxicating" - legato bluesummers
is it bad that all but one of the quotes are from fictional characters?
53.) Do you have your own phone line? yep, cell
54.) What's your phone number? not gonna post it, if you want it ask me.
55.)Have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? hmmmm... for some reason i'm really depressed now... that's odd...
56.) Favorite shoes? the ones i'm wearing.
57.) Guys -- would you let a girl give you a manicure? uh, sure, what the hell...
58.) What's your favorite drink? BAWLS
59.) What's your favorite soda? Dr. Pepper
60.) What things do you say a lot? badass, cool, what... the hell?, owned, and a bunch of other stuff.
61.) Are you the serious or loud or happy or shy type? loud. er... sry... i meant to say: LOUD!
62.) What kind of car do you have or what is your favorite car? i have no car but a i want a mini cooper classic very badly.
63.) Who is the coolest person in the world? i am... duh. though jonny depp is a badass.
64.) Do you think you're weird or funny? i'm freakin' hilarious.
65.) What stores do you shop at? walmart, maybe some game stores... yeah, whateva...
66.) For Girls: Thong or Bikini? neither ;)
67.) For Boys: Boxers or briefs: boxers.
68.) Who was the last person you called? stevo.
69.) If you could have only 3 wishes what would they be? not really sure. this is a lame hypothetical anyway so i'm not gonna answer.
70.) Where do you want to get married? i don't give a care.
71.) Who is the hottest guy or girl in your school? dunno, haven't seen em all yet... heh...
72.) What are your favorite girl names? asuka (heh), uh dunno, most names are generally good.
73.) What are your favorite guy names? once again, don't care much about names...
74.) If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? more confidence in that one aspect of my life. yeah, that group of really close friends has heard all this shit before...
75.) Have you ever tried to kill yourself? nope, suicide takes all the fun out of living.
76.) Do you enjoy filling all this stuff out? i'm bored as hell.
77.) What is your favorite fast food restaurant? uh, sonic, why not.
78.) Who do you really hate? i can't really say that i hate anyone.
79.) What are the ugliest names? lester. yeah, that's the only one that's coming to mind.
80.) Do you have any brothers and sisters? no, now stop asking, bitch.
81.) Do you have a pool? no
82.) Do you have a spa? no
83.) Are you stupid? far from it, i'm a fucking genius!
84.) What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? hair and facial structure (yeah, that sounds sexy...)
85.) What are you addicted to? my computer.
86.) Do you like jewelry? well, i like the cross i wear around my neck.
87.) Where do you wish you were? tokyo-3 (if you don't know don't bother asking, heh)
88.) Who has it easier, guys or girls? i'm gonna go with girls, but that's probably only because i'm a guy.
89.) Would you rather be short or tall? medium-tall (yeah, i did that whole short thing, it was ok... heh.)
91.) Are you online a lot? wait, you can be offline?!?!
92.) Do you like playing pranks on people? yes, my answer would have to be yes.
93.) What's the stupidest thing you have ever done? your mom. ha. burn.
94.) What's your favorite subject in school? tech related stuff.
95.) What time is it? 6:31 pm
96.) How many people are on your buddy list? 128
97.) Are you sick of those damn porno's in your e-mail box? i don't get em' cause i'm cool.
98.) What college do you wanna go to? i'm at utd, and proud of it. go temoc the comet. yeah...
99.) What school do you go to? utd
100.) Do you like Playstation? cosoles are for the weak.
101.) What are your favorite playstation games? i will cut you soooo hard!
102.) Do you have your license? yeah, finally. now it's not a hassel to watch rated r movies.
103.) Do you sleep a lot? depends on... well... it depends on something...
104.) What are your fave radio stations? not a huge fan of the radio, but while it was still around i listened to the eagle.
105.) Are you a night or morning person? night, like any true computer fiend.
106.) What are your favorite web sites?,,,,, but mainly heh.
107.) Can you define love? nope, not really
108.) What's your favorite TV channel? comedy central.
109.) Who's your favorite teacher? mr. bondies, aka darth bondies, aka emperor bonditine, aka jabba the bondies. hurst and ysbrand are cool too though.
110.) How often do you shower? once a day.
111.) Do you get along with your parents? yep
112.) Are you rich or poor or in the middle? i'm a poor college student. w00t.
113.) How many rooms does your house have? 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen and living room. you do the math.
114.) What do you want to be when you're out of college? no idea
115.) Is eastside or westside better? south-central farmers branch represent!
this space intentionally left blank.
117.) Are you ticklish? incredibly. i almost suffocated one time on the bus ride to a football game... stupid ticklish sides...
118.) What's your favorite flower? the death blossom maneuver from 'the last starfighter'
119.) What are you wearing right now? my eagle 97.1 shirt and jeans. hooray.
120.) What would you consider yourself a prep, gang banger, freak, dork, etc.? punk/geek.
121.) How many kids do you wanna have? dunno.
122.) Do you believe in God? in some form or fashion, yes.
123.) Do you like to watch public displays of affection? uh, not really.
124.) Do you like bananas? yeah, this one time at camp me and corey ate a hella lot of bananas... those were good times...
125.) Do you believe there is one person who is meant to be with you? depends on when you ask me... though most of the time this is a load of bullshit... hehe.
126.) Do you believe in love at first sight? most likely a load of bullshit.
127.) What color tooth brush do you use? clear.
128.) How many times a day do you brush your teeth? twice.
129.) Who is your favorite cartoon character? asuka langely soryu. (charmed, huh?)
130.) Do you have a job? nope. lazy.
131.) What turns you on? an arrogant bitch, but in that cute, wonderful kind of way... yeah, don't ask... i know i'm wierd...
132.) What is your favorite fruit? bananas
133.) What's your favorite vegetable? dunno, most anything. well, not brussel sprouts.
134.) What's your favorite candy? kit-kat, twix, and york peppermint patties.
135.) What was the best day of your life? that one day sophomore year that i decided to start changing myself for the better.
136.) What are you going to do today? probably not much of anything since the day is almost gone and no one is around... ugh...
137.) Are you momma's little angel or daddy's little princess? nope.
138.) Do you wear body spray? nope.
139.) Girls: Do you like guys with facial hair? n/a
140.) Do you have AOL 4.0? this is an old quiz... oh yeah, and aol is weak. hella weak.
141.) Who is the sweetest girl? dunno.
142.) Who is the sweetest guy? i am, baby. ;)
143.) Are you wearing nail polish now? I WISH.
144.) If so, what color? n/a
145.) How many rings or necklaces do you own? one necklace (my cross)
this space intentionally left blank.
147.) What's your favorite toothpaste and mouthwash? uh, crest i guess.
148.) Did/Do you have braces? i did.
149.) Are you tired? yeah, i'm tired... TIRED OF YOUR SHIT!
150.) Do you have any scars? a small one on my finger from a pocket knife. yay.
151.) Have you ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? not, not really.
152.) Do you like lollipops? uh, i'm not against lollipops. it really just depends on the voter polls...
153.) What are you thinking of right now? man, i'm hungry. i should go make a sandwich. sandwiches are sweet.
154.) How many buddies do you have online right now? 45
155.) What's your most cherished memory? you know, i'm not really sure. hmmm... gotta think about this one...
156.) Who makes you laugh a lot? i do. oh and john steward and stephen cobert.
157.) How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
158.) What's the weirdest nightmare you've ever had? that one where in order to lock the door to keep out the giant wolf monsters i shoved a hotdog in the lock.
159.) Best concert? i don't go to concerts. i should though.
160.) What's a deep secret that you could tell? i'm better than you. well, not that's not really a secret... but it's true. heh.
161.) Are you tired of filling this out yet? yes, quite, but i'm still bored.
162.) Who of your friends do you think will get married first? no idea. maybe blystone.
163.) Who sent this lovely survey to you? got it from ross's live journal.
164.) What's your worst memory as a little kid? this one day in daycare a clown came to entertain everyone. he made all of us kids balloon animals. we all sat there holding our animals while the clown did more tricks. i kept twisting my balloon animal and was warned by the teachers that it would pop if i kept doing that. i didn't listen and eventually popped the balloon. at the end of the day my mom came to pick me up and all of the kids were getting their balloon from the bin they were being stored in and my mom asked me where mine was, i had to tell her i popped it. in fact, i was the only kid there who didn't go home with a balloon animal. it was quite tramadic.
165.) Do you believe in magic? nope.
166.) Who's the one person you care about most in the world? dunno, i guess both my parents.
167.) What's the one moment in your life that was the scariest? some of those moments on last years band trip... a few people know what i'm talking about... ugh... :(
168.) Are you a psycho? yeah, i would say so. good little mix of narcissim and 'emotional massochism' heh.
169.) Are you athletic? hell no.
170.) Are you a slut? HELLS YEAH!
171.) Are you ghetto? i come from the ghetto... kinda... farmers branch represent!
172.) Are you a player? in my own mind, yes.
173.) What song (if any) reminds you of yourself? 'damn it feels good to be a gangsta'
174.) If you could rename yourself, what would you call yourself? no idea. don't care.
175.) If you spent a day with your soulmate, where would you go and what would you do? probably just chill.
176.) Describe yourself in one word? badass
177.) Who do you want (sexually)? uh, an attractive female.
178.) Do you wish you were closer to someone? yeah, sure.
179.) Favorite feature of your body: my incredible fatness.
180.) Favorite book: uh, i guess 1984.
181.) Favorite movie: damn, this is hard. lets go with office space though it's tied with about 20 others...
182.) Favorite brand name: ATI
183.) Favorite shirt: my office space shirt with lumberg on it.
184.) Favorite jacket: meh...
185.) Favorite pen: whateva...
186.) Favorite pen color: Black
187.) Favorite music video: the new america - bad religion
188.) Favorite songs: wow, this one will be long, just gonna go down my playlist (hence the alphabetical-ness by artist name:
in da club - 50 cent (HA...)
back in black - acdc
big balls - acdc
compicated - avril lavine (w00t)
american jesus - bad religion
atomic garden - bad religion
epiphany - bad religion
god's love - bad religion
i want to conquer the world - bad religion (notice a theme)
let them eat war - bad religion
'live again - the fall of man' - bad religion
the empire strikes first - bad religion
the new america - bad religion
back in the ussr - beatles
can't buy me love - beatles
the devil went down to georgia - charlie daniels
boyz in da hood - dynamite hack
long view - green day
glory - kmfdm
juke joint jezebel - kmfdm
get low - lil john & the east side boys (ha)
cruel angel thesis - neon genesis evangelion
false, rebirth - neon genesis evangelion
komm susser tod - neon genesis evangelion
bob the builder - nickelodeon (w00t)
closer - NIN
i'm afraid of americans - NIN
into the void - NIN
ringfinger - NIN
starfuckers inc. - NIN
the becoming - NIN
the great below - NIN
the mark has been made - NIN
the perfect drug - NIN
where is everybody? - NIN
oi to the world - no doubt
murder the government - nofx
please play this song on the radio - nofx
re-gaining unconsciousness - nofx
the decline - nofx
the seperation of church and skate - nofx
wonderwall - oasis
fuck authority - pennywise
my god - pennywise
wake up - pennywise
comfortably numb - pink floyd
hey you - pink floyd
money - pink floyd
99 red baloons - nena hagen and punk covers
bohemian rhapsody - queen
do you call my name - ra
engel - rammstein
feuer frei - rammstein
ich will - rammstein
spiel mit mir - rammstein
carmen sandiego - rockapella
april 29, 1992 - sublime
date rape - sublime
what i got - sublime
chop suey - system of a down
shimmy - system of a down
fuck her gently - tenacious d
tribute - tenacious d
yeah - usher (heh)
ice ice baby - vanilla ice (r. l. turner allumni represent!)
dope nose - weezer
el scorcho - weezer
'undone - the sweater song' - weezer
and finally... wild wild west - will smith...
what a terrible way to end the list :)
190.) Favorite poster: my eva poster.
191.) Favorite sport: chess, the game of kings.
192.) Favorite conditioner: meh.
193.) Favorite shampoo: meh.
194.) Favorite chips: nacho cheesier doritos.
195.) Favorite cookies: oreos, or maybe milano.
196.) Favorite ice cream: i guess just good old chocolate.
197.) Favorite CD: my ipod, bitch.
198.) Favorite brands of pants: meh.
199.) Favorite number: 02.
200.) Favorite day of the week: saturday.
201.) Favorite outfit: plug suit (heh, ignore me...).
202.) Favorite piece of jewelry: my cross.
203.) Favorite time of the day: right before i fall asleep. yay.
204.) Favorite meal: whatever, i eat most anything.
206.) Favorite chat room: chat rooms are silly.
this space intentionally left blank.
208.) What's the farthest you have traveled out of state? chicago.
209.) What's your most disgusting habit? dunno... i'd probably have to ask other people...
210.) What makes you laugh? stuff that is funny. what a silly question.
211.) Do you sing in the shower? all the time.
212.) Do you prefer baths or showers? showers.
213.) Do you use mouth wash? no.
214.) Are you a vegetarian? no, i enjoy meat.
215.) Road Rules or Real World? mtv makes me sad.
216.) Do you wear makeup? nope.
217.) If you were an animal, what kind would you be? a dog. mine just sleep all day... good life...
218.) What's the funniest word you've ever heard? shuttlecock. ha.
219.) Do you like to sing? yeah, someday i'm gonna be the lead singer of a punk band...
220.) What would you do with a million dollars? uh, pay of any debts of the family and then just live off of it... exciting, i know.
221.) Do you collect anything? not really at the moment.
222.) Future husband or wife: dunno.
223.) Person you don't trust: ronald mcdonald. i swear that clown has ulterior motives.
224.) Person you have known (personally) the longest: that i still talk to would be alex.
225.) Do you believe in Satan? no, but i hate that he had to go and ruin the name lucifer, that's a cool name...
226.) Do you believe in ghosts? not really.
228.) Do you believe in Heaven/Hell? maybe some kinda heaven thing, but not hell.
229.) Do you believe in reincarnation? not at the moment, but i'm not ruling it out.
230.) Do you believe in love at first sight? whateva.
231.) Do you have a religion? yeah, by most accounts i'm christian.
232.) What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep? think about how i can't wait to fall asleep.
233.) Person who knows the most about you: i think troy... mainly cause we're basically the same person.
234.) Parents married/divorced: married.
235.) Inlaws: sure.
236.) How many schools have you been to? five.
237.) Are you passive or aggressive? aggressive. most definately agressive.
238.) Do you have a pager/cell phone? i have a cell.
239.) Do you play any musical instruments? the clarinet.
240.) Have you ever had sex? nope. next question please.
241.) Have you ever had your heart broken? not really.
242.) Have you ever been a heartbreaker? don't think so... but with my good looks and great personality i can't be sure... hehe.
243.) Have you ever loved somebody so much it made you cry? nope.
244.) Have you ever made a person of the opposite sex cry? don't think so. (refer to question 242)
245.) Have you ever eaten raw fish? no.
246.) Have you ever gone sky diving? no.
247.) Have you ever stayed up all night and not gone to sleep until the next night? yes. it's fun.
248.) Who are your close friends? man, many of these questions are very similar.
249.) Who is your best bud of the opposite sex? uh, dunno.
250.) Which of your friends is the best at keeping secrets? pretty much everyone in that really close group of friends i mentioned.
251.) Who is the worst? dunno.
252.) Which of your friends have the most attitude? i do. which means i win. bitch.
253.) Which one of your friends knows most about what's going on in your life? the people in that group.
254.) Which one of your friends is slipping away? this reminds me of a good NIN song.
255.) Why are they slipping away? *sings* ...talkin' to myself on the way to the station...
256.) Have you ever moved? yep.
257. What do you feel like doing now? getting some food, still haven't eaten...
258.) Would you rather be doing the above than filling out this survey? yeah, but for some reason i don't...
259.) If there was a 261st question on this pointless survey...would you continue and answer it? i've come this far...
260.) Are you going to answer this question? fuck you bitch!
261.) Did you answer the question above? i suppose, in a way, i did.
262.) Did you say you were going to answer the 261st question? not directly.
263.) What is your sexual preference? i am heterosexual.
264.) What time is it now? 8:00 pm
265.) Any last words? "i feel sick." props if you know the reference.
well, that was a waste of a lot of time. hurray.
1.) What's your first name? William
2.) Middle name? Jarvis Austin
3.) Last name? White
4.) Nicknames? uh, i guess Will counts. slick willy, free willy, big willy style, god. heh.
5.) Zodiac Sign? aquarius. that old song sucks (age of aquarius).
6.) Gender? Male
7.) Birthday and age? Jan. 28th, 1986. 18.
8.) Where do you live? Richardson, Texas
9.) Do you have a boy/girl friend? depends if you wanna count imaginary ones. :)
10.) If so what's his/her name? n/a
11.) Have you ever been in love? dunno
12.) What's your favorite color? black
13.) Sibling(s)/Name(s): none
14.) Shoe Size: 10 1/2 (had to pull them off and look)
15.) Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
16.) Hair Length: shaggy and long... i'll get a haircut someday...
17.) Light/Tan/Dark: uh, i guess it's referring to skin... so pasty... w00t!!!
18.) Small/Medium/Large Eyes: what an odd question. let's assume that i have big blue eyes that someone could lose themself in.
19.) Do you have any piercing or want any? no, and not really
20.) If so what do you have pierced? NA
21.) Do you have a tattoos or want one? not in the least
22.) If so what kind and where? n/a
23.) Where do you shop at the most? wally world, bitch.
24.) What color is your hair? Dark Brown
25.) What color are your eyes? Blue
26.) How tall are you? not sure, haven't checked in a while.
27.) Do you smoke? i'm a second hand smoker.
28.) Do you like to eat Skittles? uh, sure, as much as the next guy...
29.) Do you do drugs? nope
30.) What kind of music do you like? PUNK! (i'm punk rock! BLEH!), and really anything else.
31.) Who are your best friends? uh, a few people, don't wanna list cause i might leave one off.
32.) Who are your friends online? those same people.
33.) Who could you tell almost anything to? i have a few really really close friends... you know who you are.
34.) What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? the cheap kind.
35.) Is your hair short or long? wtf, way to ask twice.
36.) Do you like to shop? sure.
37.) What sports do you play? chess, the game of kings.
38.) What are you most scared of? that big bee in the alley (props if you know the reference).
39.) What is your favorite animal? rabidfishmonkeys
40.) Who were your crushes? dunno... just kinda depends...
41.) How many phones do you have in your house? 3 cell phones
42.) How many TV's do you have in your house? 4
43.) What are your favorite foods? ooh, that's hard... let's see... donuts, cereal, oatmeal, basically anything at ihop... yeah, i think you see the trend.
44.) Do you look like anyone famous? well, i like to think of myself as hotter than that one guy all the girls tend to swoon over. yeah, you know the one.
45.) Do you think Brad Pitt is attractive? HELLS YEAH!!!
46.) Who are the most attractive people you know? well, what an embarrasing question.
47.) Are you a virgin? ha, you like how i dodged answering the above question? yeah, i liked it.
48.) What cologne should a hot guy wear? not axe because most guys i know that wear it insist on spraying it on everything, themselves, others, random inanimate objects, you name it.
49.) What are you listening to right now? the offspring - americana
50.) Who are you talking to right now? brittany (from camp) and phil online.
51.) What time is it? 6:08 pm
52.) What's your favorite saying or your quotation? it's hard to pick just one, so i'll list a few...
"some people just think they're better than others!" - asuka langley soryu
"acts of men are better than acts of god!" - misato katsuragi
"a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - joseph stalin heh.
"why the hell do they call him silent bob anyway?" - randal (from clerks the cartoon)
"i'm so fucked up." - shinji ikari
"the power of death is intoxicating" - legato bluesummers
is it bad that all but one of the quotes are from fictional characters?
53.) Do you have your own phone line? yep, cell
54.) What's your phone number? not gonna post it, if you want it ask me.
55.)Have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? hmmmm... for some reason i'm really depressed now... that's odd...
56.) Favorite shoes? the ones i'm wearing.
57.) Guys -- would you let a girl give you a manicure? uh, sure, what the hell...
58.) What's your favorite drink? BAWLS
59.) What's your favorite soda? Dr. Pepper
60.) What things do you say a lot? badass, cool, what... the hell?, owned, and a bunch of other stuff.
61.) Are you the serious or loud or happy or shy type? loud. er... sry... i meant to say: LOUD!
62.) What kind of car do you have or what is your favorite car? i have no car but a i want a mini cooper classic very badly.
63.) Who is the coolest person in the world? i am... duh. though jonny depp is a badass.
64.) Do you think you're weird or funny? i'm freakin' hilarious.
65.) What stores do you shop at? walmart, maybe some game stores... yeah, whateva...
66.) For Girls: Thong or Bikini? neither ;)
67.) For Boys: Boxers or briefs: boxers.
68.) Who was the last person you called? stevo.
69.) If you could have only 3 wishes what would they be? not really sure. this is a lame hypothetical anyway so i'm not gonna answer.
70.) Where do you want to get married? i don't give a care.
71.) Who is the hottest guy or girl in your school? dunno, haven't seen em all yet... heh...
72.) What are your favorite girl names? asuka (heh), uh dunno, most names are generally good.
73.) What are your favorite guy names? once again, don't care much about names...
74.) If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? more confidence in that one aspect of my life. yeah, that group of really close friends has heard all this shit before...
75.) Have you ever tried to kill yourself? nope, suicide takes all the fun out of living.
76.) Do you enjoy filling all this stuff out? i'm bored as hell.
77.) What is your favorite fast food restaurant? uh, sonic, why not.
78.) Who do you really hate? i can't really say that i hate anyone.
79.) What are the ugliest names? lester. yeah, that's the only one that's coming to mind.
80.) Do you have any brothers and sisters? no, now stop asking, bitch.
81.) Do you have a pool? no
82.) Do you have a spa? no
83.) Are you stupid? far from it, i'm a fucking genius!
84.) What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? hair and facial structure (yeah, that sounds sexy...)
85.) What are you addicted to? my computer.
86.) Do you like jewelry? well, i like the cross i wear around my neck.
87.) Where do you wish you were? tokyo-3 (if you don't know don't bother asking, heh)
88.) Who has it easier, guys or girls? i'm gonna go with girls, but that's probably only because i'm a guy.
89.) Would you rather be short or tall? medium-tall (yeah, i did that whole short thing, it was ok... heh.)
91.) Are you online a lot? wait, you can be offline?!?!
92.) Do you like playing pranks on people? yes, my answer would have to be yes.
93.) What's the stupidest thing you have ever done? your mom. ha. burn.
94.) What's your favorite subject in school? tech related stuff.
95.) What time is it? 6:31 pm
96.) How many people are on your buddy list? 128
97.) Are you sick of those damn porno's in your e-mail box? i don't get em' cause i'm cool.
98.) What college do you wanna go to? i'm at utd, and proud of it. go temoc the comet. yeah...
99.) What school do you go to? utd
100.) Do you like Playstation? cosoles are for the weak.
101.) What are your favorite playstation games? i will cut you soooo hard!
102.) Do you have your license? yeah, finally. now it's not a hassel to watch rated r movies.
103.) Do you sleep a lot? depends on... well... it depends on something...
104.) What are your fave radio stations? not a huge fan of the radio, but while it was still around i listened to the eagle.
105.) Are you a night or morning person? night, like any true computer fiend.
106.) What are your favorite web sites?,,,,, but mainly heh.
107.) Can you define love? nope, not really
108.) What's your favorite TV channel? comedy central.
109.) Who's your favorite teacher? mr. bondies, aka darth bondies, aka emperor bonditine, aka jabba the bondies. hurst and ysbrand are cool too though.
110.) How often do you shower? once a day.
111.) Do you get along with your parents? yep
112.) Are you rich or poor or in the middle? i'm a poor college student. w00t.
113.) How many rooms does your house have? 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen and living room. you do the math.
114.) What do you want to be when you're out of college? no idea
115.) Is eastside or westside better? south-central farmers branch represent!
this space intentionally left blank.
117.) Are you ticklish? incredibly. i almost suffocated one time on the bus ride to a football game... stupid ticklish sides...
118.) What's your favorite flower? the death blossom maneuver from 'the last starfighter'
119.) What are you wearing right now? my eagle 97.1 shirt and jeans. hooray.
120.) What would you consider yourself a prep, gang banger, freak, dork, etc.? punk/geek.
121.) How many kids do you wanna have? dunno.
122.) Do you believe in God? in some form or fashion, yes.
123.) Do you like to watch public displays of affection? uh, not really.
124.) Do you like bananas? yeah, this one time at camp me and corey ate a hella lot of bananas... those were good times...
125.) Do you believe there is one person who is meant to be with you? depends on when you ask me... though most of the time this is a load of bullshit... hehe.
126.) Do you believe in love at first sight? most likely a load of bullshit.
127.) What color tooth brush do you use? clear.
128.) How many times a day do you brush your teeth? twice.
129.) Who is your favorite cartoon character? asuka langely soryu. (charmed, huh?)
130.) Do you have a job? nope. lazy.
131.) What turns you on? an arrogant bitch, but in that cute, wonderful kind of way... yeah, don't ask... i know i'm wierd...
132.) What is your favorite fruit? bananas
133.) What's your favorite vegetable? dunno, most anything. well, not brussel sprouts.
134.) What's your favorite candy? kit-kat, twix, and york peppermint patties.
135.) What was the best day of your life? that one day sophomore year that i decided to start changing myself for the better.
136.) What are you going to do today? probably not much of anything since the day is almost gone and no one is around... ugh...
137.) Are you momma's little angel or daddy's little princess? nope.
138.) Do you wear body spray? nope.
139.) Girls: Do you like guys with facial hair? n/a
140.) Do you have AOL 4.0? this is an old quiz... oh yeah, and aol is weak. hella weak.
141.) Who is the sweetest girl? dunno.
142.) Who is the sweetest guy? i am, baby. ;)
143.) Are you wearing nail polish now? I WISH.
144.) If so, what color? n/a
145.) How many rings or necklaces do you own? one necklace (my cross)
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147.) What's your favorite toothpaste and mouthwash? uh, crest i guess.
148.) Did/Do you have braces? i did.
149.) Are you tired? yeah, i'm tired... TIRED OF YOUR SHIT!
150.) Do you have any scars? a small one on my finger from a pocket knife. yay.
151.) Have you ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? not, not really.
152.) Do you like lollipops? uh, i'm not against lollipops. it really just depends on the voter polls...
153.) What are you thinking of right now? man, i'm hungry. i should go make a sandwich. sandwiches are sweet.
154.) How many buddies do you have online right now? 45
155.) What's your most cherished memory? you know, i'm not really sure. hmmm... gotta think about this one...
156.) Who makes you laugh a lot? i do. oh and john steward and stephen cobert.
157.) How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
158.) What's the weirdest nightmare you've ever had? that one where in order to lock the door to keep out the giant wolf monsters i shoved a hotdog in the lock.
159.) Best concert? i don't go to concerts. i should though.
160.) What's a deep secret that you could tell? i'm better than you. well, not that's not really a secret... but it's true. heh.
161.) Are you tired of filling this out yet? yes, quite, but i'm still bored.
162.) Who of your friends do you think will get married first? no idea. maybe blystone.
163.) Who sent this lovely survey to you? got it from ross's live journal.
164.) What's your worst memory as a little kid? this one day in daycare a clown came to entertain everyone. he made all of us kids balloon animals. we all sat there holding our animals while the clown did more tricks. i kept twisting my balloon animal and was warned by the teachers that it would pop if i kept doing that. i didn't listen and eventually popped the balloon. at the end of the day my mom came to pick me up and all of the kids were getting their balloon from the bin they were being stored in and my mom asked me where mine was, i had to tell her i popped it. in fact, i was the only kid there who didn't go home with a balloon animal. it was quite tramadic.
165.) Do you believe in magic? nope.
166.) Who's the one person you care about most in the world? dunno, i guess both my parents.
167.) What's the one moment in your life that was the scariest? some of those moments on last years band trip... a few people know what i'm talking about... ugh... :(
168.) Are you a psycho? yeah, i would say so. good little mix of narcissim and 'emotional massochism' heh.
169.) Are you athletic? hell no.
170.) Are you a slut? HELLS YEAH!
171.) Are you ghetto? i come from the ghetto... kinda... farmers branch represent!
172.) Are you a player? in my own mind, yes.
173.) What song (if any) reminds you of yourself? 'damn it feels good to be a gangsta'
174.) If you could rename yourself, what would you call yourself? no idea. don't care.
175.) If you spent a day with your soulmate, where would you go and what would you do? probably just chill.
176.) Describe yourself in one word? badass
177.) Who do you want (sexually)? uh, an attractive female.
178.) Do you wish you were closer to someone? yeah, sure.
179.) Favorite feature of your body: my incredible fatness.
180.) Favorite book: uh, i guess 1984.
181.) Favorite movie: damn, this is hard. lets go with office space though it's tied with about 20 others...
182.) Favorite brand name: ATI
183.) Favorite shirt: my office space shirt with lumberg on it.
184.) Favorite jacket: meh...
185.) Favorite pen: whateva...
186.) Favorite pen color: Black
187.) Favorite music video: the new america - bad religion
188.) Favorite songs: wow, this one will be long, just gonna go down my playlist (hence the alphabetical-ness by artist name:
in da club - 50 cent (HA...)
back in black - acdc
big balls - acdc
compicated - avril lavine (w00t)
american jesus - bad religion
atomic garden - bad religion
epiphany - bad religion
god's love - bad religion
i want to conquer the world - bad religion (notice a theme)
let them eat war - bad religion
'live again - the fall of man' - bad religion
the empire strikes first - bad religion
the new america - bad religion
back in the ussr - beatles
can't buy me love - beatles
the devil went down to georgia - charlie daniels
boyz in da hood - dynamite hack
long view - green day
glory - kmfdm
juke joint jezebel - kmfdm
get low - lil john & the east side boys (ha)
cruel angel thesis - neon genesis evangelion
false, rebirth - neon genesis evangelion
komm susser tod - neon genesis evangelion
bob the builder - nickelodeon (w00t)
closer - NIN
i'm afraid of americans - NIN
into the void - NIN
ringfinger - NIN
starfuckers inc. - NIN
the becoming - NIN
the great below - NIN
the mark has been made - NIN
the perfect drug - NIN
where is everybody? - NIN
oi to the world - no doubt
murder the government - nofx
please play this song on the radio - nofx
re-gaining unconsciousness - nofx
the decline - nofx
the seperation of church and skate - nofx
wonderwall - oasis
fuck authority - pennywise
my god - pennywise
wake up - pennywise
comfortably numb - pink floyd
hey you - pink floyd
money - pink floyd
99 red baloons - nena hagen and punk covers
bohemian rhapsody - queen
do you call my name - ra
engel - rammstein
feuer frei - rammstein
ich will - rammstein
spiel mit mir - rammstein
carmen sandiego - rockapella
april 29, 1992 - sublime
date rape - sublime
what i got - sublime
chop suey - system of a down
shimmy - system of a down
fuck her gently - tenacious d
tribute - tenacious d
yeah - usher (heh)
ice ice baby - vanilla ice (r. l. turner allumni represent!)
dope nose - weezer
el scorcho - weezer
'undone - the sweater song' - weezer
and finally... wild wild west - will smith...
what a terrible way to end the list :)
190.) Favorite poster: my eva poster.
191.) Favorite sport: chess, the game of kings.
192.) Favorite conditioner: meh.
193.) Favorite shampoo: meh.
194.) Favorite chips: nacho cheesier doritos.
195.) Favorite cookies: oreos, or maybe milano.
196.) Favorite ice cream: i guess just good old chocolate.
197.) Favorite CD: my ipod, bitch.
198.) Favorite brands of pants: meh.
199.) Favorite number: 02.
200.) Favorite day of the week: saturday.
201.) Favorite outfit: plug suit (heh, ignore me...).
202.) Favorite piece of jewelry: my cross.
203.) Favorite time of the day: right before i fall asleep. yay.
204.) Favorite meal: whatever, i eat most anything.
206.) Favorite chat room: chat rooms are silly.
this space intentionally left blank.
208.) What's the farthest you have traveled out of state? chicago.
209.) What's your most disgusting habit? dunno... i'd probably have to ask other people...
210.) What makes you laugh? stuff that is funny. what a silly question.
211.) Do you sing in the shower? all the time.
212.) Do you prefer baths or showers? showers.
213.) Do you use mouth wash? no.
214.) Are you a vegetarian? no, i enjoy meat.
215.) Road Rules or Real World? mtv makes me sad.
216.) Do you wear makeup? nope.
217.) If you were an animal, what kind would you be? a dog. mine just sleep all day... good life...
218.) What's the funniest word you've ever heard? shuttlecock. ha.
219.) Do you like to sing? yeah, someday i'm gonna be the lead singer of a punk band...
220.) What would you do with a million dollars? uh, pay of any debts of the family and then just live off of it... exciting, i know.
221.) Do you collect anything? not really at the moment.
222.) Future husband or wife: dunno.
223.) Person you don't trust: ronald mcdonald. i swear that clown has ulterior motives.
224.) Person you have known (personally) the longest: that i still talk to would be alex.
225.) Do you believe in Satan? no, but i hate that he had to go and ruin the name lucifer, that's a cool name...
226.) Do you believe in ghosts? not really.
228.) Do you believe in Heaven/Hell? maybe some kinda heaven thing, but not hell.
229.) Do you believe in reincarnation? not at the moment, but i'm not ruling it out.
230.) Do you believe in love at first sight? whateva.
231.) Do you have a religion? yeah, by most accounts i'm christian.
232.) What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep? think about how i can't wait to fall asleep.
233.) Person who knows the most about you: i think troy... mainly cause we're basically the same person.
234.) Parents married/divorced: married.
235.) Inlaws: sure.
236.) How many schools have you been to? five.
237.) Are you passive or aggressive? aggressive. most definately agressive.
238.) Do you have a pager/cell phone? i have a cell.
239.) Do you play any musical instruments? the clarinet.
240.) Have you ever had sex? nope. next question please.
241.) Have you ever had your heart broken? not really.
242.) Have you ever been a heartbreaker? don't think so... but with my good looks and great personality i can't be sure... hehe.
243.) Have you ever loved somebody so much it made you cry? nope.
244.) Have you ever made a person of the opposite sex cry? don't think so. (refer to question 242)
245.) Have you ever eaten raw fish? no.
246.) Have you ever gone sky diving? no.
247.) Have you ever stayed up all night and not gone to sleep until the next night? yes. it's fun.
248.) Who are your close friends? man, many of these questions are very similar.
249.) Who is your best bud of the opposite sex? uh, dunno.
250.) Which of your friends is the best at keeping secrets? pretty much everyone in that really close group of friends i mentioned.
251.) Who is the worst? dunno.
252.) Which of your friends have the most attitude? i do. which means i win. bitch.
253.) Which one of your friends knows most about what's going on in your life? the people in that group.
254.) Which one of your friends is slipping away? this reminds me of a good NIN song.
255.) Why are they slipping away? *sings* ...talkin' to myself on the way to the station...
256.) Have you ever moved? yep.
257. What do you feel like doing now? getting some food, still haven't eaten...
258.) Would you rather be doing the above than filling out this survey? yeah, but for some reason i don't...
259.) If there was a 261st question on this pointless survey...would you continue and answer it? i've come this far...
260.) Are you going to answer this question? fuck you bitch!
261.) Did you answer the question above? i suppose, in a way, i did.
262.) Did you say you were going to answer the 261st question? not directly.
263.) What is your sexual preference? i am heterosexual.
264.) What time is it now? 8:00 pm
265.) Any last words? "i feel sick." props if you know the reference.
well, that was a waste of a lot of time. hurray.
At 10:40 PM, August 27, 2004,
BigNailCow said…
a) You forgot "John Wayne Bondies"
b) Fucking stop saying "represent" in some form or fashion
c) How many fucking questions can you associate with Asuka? It's an experiment.
d) Yes, we are the same person. l33t h4x et al, cansler-huff thing. And go find something new cool so there can be at least one god damn reference in there that I don't get.
At 10:41 PM, August 27, 2004,
BigNailCow said…
Oh, and you're more like a third-hand smoker. I'm sure just being around my smoky musk has shaved a few years off everyone's life expectancy.
At 6:37 PM, August 31, 2004,
BigNailCow said…
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At 12:24 AM, September 01, 2004,
Will said…
heh, this is cool, i keep finding out that random people i don't know read my blog. excellent.
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