here, i'll use this in place of real content:
TEN Random Things About Me...
10. i'm cool.
9. or at least i like to think so.
8. i'm still a computer geek.
7. i don't read nearly as much as i'd like to.
6. i've been a lot more into movies (err, cinema) and music as of late.
5. i think i've figured out most aspects of myself but two (and those two are quite large, so i have some work ahead of me)(and that dosen't count any aspects i haven't even become aware of yet, yay!).
4. i think people just need to chill out and not take themselves so seriously. try it, you'll like it.
3. my new personal motto is "life's a bitch, but she's my bitch" (stolen from the webcomic sinfest).
2. i know a helluva lot of stuff.
1. but i find i don't know much at all when i think about it.
NINE Places I've Visited [would like to visit]
9. new orleans (lived there, but it counts)
8. chicago
7. orlando
6. corpus
5. colorado
4. [canada (sure, why not)]
3. [berlin (and the rest of germany)]
2. [london (and the rest of england)]
1. [paris (and the rest of france)]
EIGHT Things I Wanna Do Before I Die
8. your mom (man, it'll never get old :) ).
7. get married/have kids.
6. have a good (and by good i mean fun) career.
5. see things.
4. see trent reznor live.
3. figure stuff out (complicated, deep stuff). <== probably not gonna happen.
2. support my friends and family and everyone else for that matter to the best of my ability
1. figure out what i really want to do before i die.
SEVEN Ways To Win My Heart
7. intelligence and non-shallowness.
6. ...but knowing when to be retarded :) .
5. being laid back and willing to just chill.
4. enjoying cool stuff like good movies and music and maybe even gaming, heh.
3. being able to talk about anything; deep, serious, or stupid.
2. just 'getting' me, and vise-versa.
1. just plain being awesome. (heh, i guess i have high standards)
SIX Things I Believe In
6. the power of love (god, that sounds cheesey)
5. the value of every single person
4. that some day, we human beings can get past all this bullshit. all of it. someday.
3. that everyone needs other people desperately. including me.
2. that life is great, wonderful, and worth living even when it absolutely sucks.
1. god, jebus, or some kind of higher power... or something.
by the way, while i'm on the topic, i always take a long time to type god or jesus in my blog because i have to debate capitalizing them. to capitalize the lord's name or follow the theme of my blog? it's a big moral dilemma. i pretty much always decide to leave it uncapitalized because i don't capitalize anyone else's name and i figure god can forgive me anyway :). anyway, back to the list/quiz thingy.
FIVE Things I'm Afraid Of
5. that, because of the way i am, people won't realize how much i love them and value my relationship with them.
4. never being understood.
3. never understanding.
2. being alone (not just physically).
1. not being able to improve myself (it's hard).
FOUR Of My Favorite Items in My Bedroom
4. my chair and the wall next to it (which i like to lean my feet against).
3. computer.
2. bed.
1. my necklace i got from my church for graduating.
THREE Things I Do Everyday
3. get up later than i mean to.
2. eat
1. go to bed later than i mean to.
TWO Things I Am Trying Not To Do Right Now
2. self censor my responses on this quiz.
1. fall asleep before i finish washing clothes.
ONE Person I Want To See Right Now
1. i don't know, but if he/she shows up it will make me really happy.
so yeah, there's that. maybe somebody finds it interesting. if not, well, at least i wasted some of your time. ha, i win.
TEN Random Things About Me...
10. i'm cool.
9. or at least i like to think so.
8. i'm still a computer geek.
7. i don't read nearly as much as i'd like to.
6. i've been a lot more into movies (err, cinema) and music as of late.
5. i think i've figured out most aspects of myself but two (and those two are quite large, so i have some work ahead of me)(and that dosen't count any aspects i haven't even become aware of yet, yay!).
4. i think people just need to chill out and not take themselves so seriously. try it, you'll like it.
3. my new personal motto is "life's a bitch, but she's my bitch" (stolen from the webcomic sinfest).
2. i know a helluva lot of stuff.
1. but i find i don't know much at all when i think about it.
NINE Places I've Visited [would like to visit]
9. new orleans (lived there, but it counts)
8. chicago
7. orlando
6. corpus
5. colorado
4. [canada (sure, why not)]
3. [berlin (and the rest of germany)]
2. [london (and the rest of england)]
1. [paris (and the rest of france)]
EIGHT Things I Wanna Do Before I Die
8. your mom (man, it'll never get old :) ).
7. get married/have kids.
6. have a good (and by good i mean fun) career.
5. see things.
4. see trent reznor live.
3. figure stuff out (complicated, deep stuff). <== probably not gonna happen.
2. support my friends and family and everyone else for that matter to the best of my ability
1. figure out what i really want to do before i die.
SEVEN Ways To Win My Heart
7. intelligence and non-shallowness.
6. ...but knowing when to be retarded :) .
5. being laid back and willing to just chill.
4. enjoying cool stuff like good movies and music and maybe even gaming, heh.
3. being able to talk about anything; deep, serious, or stupid.
2. just 'getting' me, and vise-versa.
1. just plain being awesome. (heh, i guess i have high standards)
SIX Things I Believe In
6. the power of love (god, that sounds cheesey)
5. the value of every single person
4. that some day, we human beings can get past all this bullshit. all of it. someday.
3. that everyone needs other people desperately. including me.
2. that life is great, wonderful, and worth living even when it absolutely sucks.
1. god, jebus, or some kind of higher power... or something.
by the way, while i'm on the topic, i always take a long time to type god or jesus in my blog because i have to debate capitalizing them. to capitalize the lord's name or follow the theme of my blog? it's a big moral dilemma. i pretty much always decide to leave it uncapitalized because i don't capitalize anyone else's name and i figure god can forgive me anyway :). anyway, back to the list/quiz thingy.
FIVE Things I'm Afraid Of
5. that, because of the way i am, people won't realize how much i love them and value my relationship with them.
4. never being understood.
3. never understanding.
2. being alone (not just physically).
1. not being able to improve myself (it's hard).
FOUR Of My Favorite Items in My Bedroom
4. my chair and the wall next to it (which i like to lean my feet against).
3. computer.
2. bed.
1. my necklace i got from my church for graduating.
THREE Things I Do Everyday
3. get up later than i mean to.
2. eat
1. go to bed later than i mean to.
TWO Things I Am Trying Not To Do Right Now
2. self censor my responses on this quiz.
1. fall asleep before i finish washing clothes.
ONE Person I Want To See Right Now
1. i don't know, but if he/she shows up it will make me really happy.
so yeah, there's that. maybe somebody finds it interesting. if not, well, at least i wasted some of your time. ha, i win.
At 10:21 AM, December 23, 2004,
Anonymous said…
Im assuming that half-German half-Jap Red Heads fall under the 1. Just being Plain awesome...
At 12:00 PM, December 23, 2004,
Anonymous said…
At 1:17 PM, December 23, 2004,
Will said…
ha, word.
At 1:36 PM, December 23, 2004,
Will said…
well, those are copied and pasted from the quiz. theoretically that's implied since it's a stupid blog/xanga/lj quiz, but i guess that's true. bitch. heh.
At 7:26 AM, December 25, 2004,
Aka said…
you bastard, you took the trent reznor thing from me... THAT WAS MINE WILL, IT WAS MINE AND NOT YOURS
At 11:09 PM, December 25, 2004,
cheezerguy said…
duh...who's trent reznor? is he one of those elton john/george michael/cat stevens crossover posers?
hmmm, guess not.
and nobody reads your blog, aka. give it up ( and by nobody, i mean not myself ).
At 9:21 PM, December 26, 2004,
Will said…
aka--i will cut you.
oh, and she's 3/4 german and 1/4 japanese, just for the record.
At 5:02 PM, December 28, 2004,
geoff said…
god damn those 1/4th japanese girls
do it to me every time
At 3:52 AM, December 29, 2004,
Will said…
oh the redhead said you shared the jello...
and i'm jello, baby
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