*brace yourselves, this is a long one*
so i go to sleep at 10:30pm on the 18th so that i can get up at 4:30am the 19th so that i can go to an early meeting at work which ends at about 8:30am, i come back home and crash on my bed, wake up just in time to grab some food and go back to work at 4:00pm and stay there until close (which is now later) and get done at 11:30... all i've done for the past 25 hours is work and sleep...
talk about soul crushing...
i need to register for classes but i have no idea what i want to take. my major only marginally appeals to me these days, but it's still slightly more appealing than anything else offered... none of the courses i've been able to find excite me all that much... we'll see i guess...
i've got way too many final papers and tests to work on right now... it's ridiculous... between those, work, and sleep i plan on having no social life until thanksgiving break... oh wait, no, not until way after that since i'll be working nonstop from black friday to january... wonderful. maybe i can get a schedule that gives me a little free time...
i'm having a harder and harder time getting up in the morning, even if i'm not still tired i just don't feel like getting out of bed... even looking forward to hanging out with friends usually dosen't work since even that has become rather repetitive, same old people (though i love them dearly, dont' get me wrong), doing the same old things. i miss many of my old friends who i don't see that often anymore, some of which are still around but because of scheduling/logistics/whatever i just don't get to hang out with.
my mother is probably gonna read this (which is perfectly fine and still encouraged) and then get all worried about me... that almost kept me from writing this entry, but i'm in too much of a funk not to. she'll probably ask me if i think i should drop the job, which i really don't want to do for whatever reason. actually, i know the main reason: i really do like being at least semi-financially independent and to ease the burden on my rent's as much as possible. it's a good feeling even if the path is a hard/exhasting/draining one.
i'm still having trouble (as always, heh) meeting girls around here. i see cute and interesting young ladies around campus, but i just can't seem to actually meet any of them... i'm not really very good at all of that kind of stuff, but it's very hard to work on getting better when i'm always working, schooling, sleeping, or using what valuable free time i have to endulge in my escape mechanisms: computer stuff, movies, anime, and magic the gathering (all of which are preferably with friends of course). it seems like things would be a good deal better if i could meet an awesome girl, but that's probably (read: is) just hoping for a magical cure-all which dosen't exist. good times...
i've been wanting to blog a lot more but i obviously haven't. i never think to except when i'm way too tired or way too busy to sit down and do it. tonight was just different, probably because ross is busy and we can't engage in our usual after-will-gets-home-from-work habit of sitting around and doing nothing while trying to think of something to do before i have to go to sleep in order to be somewhat well rested for the next day.
i'd really like to figure out something to really work towards. i have no idea what kind of job i want to get out of college, so that dosen't really help. and like i said above, my major isn't the driving factor it once was... so i'm not sure what to look forward to in the future other than inevitable change--whatever that will end up looking like. i really do want to travel, i know that much. i just want to go places and see things. it dosen't even have to be far (though far is always good). i still want to go to europe and japan the most. that would be amazing. but i would also like to travel around the country and see things. seattle, san francisco, new york, philadelphia, etc. it'd all be great. even just random places in texas, i don't really care where as long as it's different and i have a chance to just hang out and explore. sometimes when i'm driving down the highway and i approach my exit i just want to keep going and going until i can't go anymore. to just keep driving and filling up my tank until i'm out of money and see where it would lead me. of course i can't really do that, but, in a crazy not-real-world world it'd be a lot of fun.
i started reading mere christianity by c. s. lewis. looks to be very good. i've had it for a while but just started reading it the other day. haven't had a chance to continue since i started it on thursday though...
my room is an absolute mess and i hate living in it when it's this bad. i feel a lot more ownership and pride in it than i did last year, presumably because i'm in a more "adult" type living arrangement i guess. i keep trying to find time to clean it but i either decide to sleep in or decide to spend the time with friends or something like that. it's really hard for me to get myself motivated to do work like that that other people don't actually count on when i've got so much other work to do everyday.
so there. angst/pain/drama/lack-of-drama/exhastion/whatever all poured out on this digital canvas. and done in a very cheap, no-effort, stream of conciousness way. good stuff. i'm sure most people who read my blog moaned when they saw this long post. it's always a pain to read these long drawn out ones even if you really do care about the person and what they're writing. oh well, you did it anyway if you're reading this part, and i appreciate that. comment with contrived and hackeneyed advice if you want, probably wouldn't hurt to hear it for the 2131st time. or better yet, leave awesome advice that puts everything into perspective and changes my life. that kind of comment is preferable :).
now i'm gonna find some food somewhere and go to sleep again so that i can get up at 8 and go to church (which is good, though early...) and then go to work at 3 and then get done at 8 and then come home and work on a paper, then go to sleep then get up at 5:30 and go to work until noon then come home and work on more papers then whatever... good times.
so i go to sleep at 10:30pm on the 18th so that i can get up at 4:30am the 19th so that i can go to an early meeting at work which ends at about 8:30am, i come back home and crash on my bed, wake up just in time to grab some food and go back to work at 4:00pm and stay there until close (which is now later) and get done at 11:30... all i've done for the past 25 hours is work and sleep...
talk about soul crushing...
i need to register for classes but i have no idea what i want to take. my major only marginally appeals to me these days, but it's still slightly more appealing than anything else offered... none of the courses i've been able to find excite me all that much... we'll see i guess...
i've got way too many final papers and tests to work on right now... it's ridiculous... between those, work, and sleep i plan on having no social life until thanksgiving break... oh wait, no, not until way after that since i'll be working nonstop from black friday to january... wonderful. maybe i can get a schedule that gives me a little free time...
i'm having a harder and harder time getting up in the morning, even if i'm not still tired i just don't feel like getting out of bed... even looking forward to hanging out with friends usually dosen't work since even that has become rather repetitive, same old people (though i love them dearly, dont' get me wrong), doing the same old things. i miss many of my old friends who i don't see that often anymore, some of which are still around but because of scheduling/logistics/whatever i just don't get to hang out with.
my mother is probably gonna read this (which is perfectly fine and still encouraged) and then get all worried about me... that almost kept me from writing this entry, but i'm in too much of a funk not to. she'll probably ask me if i think i should drop the job, which i really don't want to do for whatever reason. actually, i know the main reason: i really do like being at least semi-financially independent and to ease the burden on my rent's as much as possible. it's a good feeling even if the path is a hard/exhasting/draining one.
i'm still having trouble (as always, heh) meeting girls around here. i see cute and interesting young ladies around campus, but i just can't seem to actually meet any of them... i'm not really very good at all of that kind of stuff, but it's very hard to work on getting better when i'm always working, schooling, sleeping, or using what valuable free time i have to endulge in my escape mechanisms: computer stuff, movies, anime, and magic the gathering (all of which are preferably with friends of course). it seems like things would be a good deal better if i could meet an awesome girl, but that's probably (read: is) just hoping for a magical cure-all which dosen't exist. good times...
i've been wanting to blog a lot more but i obviously haven't. i never think to except when i'm way too tired or way too busy to sit down and do it. tonight was just different, probably because ross is busy and we can't engage in our usual after-will-gets-home-from-work habit of sitting around and doing nothing while trying to think of something to do before i have to go to sleep in order to be somewhat well rested for the next day.
i'd really like to figure out something to really work towards. i have no idea what kind of job i want to get out of college, so that dosen't really help. and like i said above, my major isn't the driving factor it once was... so i'm not sure what to look forward to in the future other than inevitable change--whatever that will end up looking like. i really do want to travel, i know that much. i just want to go places and see things. it dosen't even have to be far (though far is always good). i still want to go to europe and japan the most. that would be amazing. but i would also like to travel around the country and see things. seattle, san francisco, new york, philadelphia, etc. it'd all be great. even just random places in texas, i don't really care where as long as it's different and i have a chance to just hang out and explore. sometimes when i'm driving down the highway and i approach my exit i just want to keep going and going until i can't go anymore. to just keep driving and filling up my tank until i'm out of money and see where it would lead me. of course i can't really do that, but, in a crazy not-real-world world it'd be a lot of fun.
i started reading mere christianity by c. s. lewis. looks to be very good. i've had it for a while but just started reading it the other day. haven't had a chance to continue since i started it on thursday though...
my room is an absolute mess and i hate living in it when it's this bad. i feel a lot more ownership and pride in it than i did last year, presumably because i'm in a more "adult" type living arrangement i guess. i keep trying to find time to clean it but i either decide to sleep in or decide to spend the time with friends or something like that. it's really hard for me to get myself motivated to do work like that that other people don't actually count on when i've got so much other work to do everyday.
so there. angst/pain/drama/lack-of-drama/exhastion/whatever all poured out on this digital canvas. and done in a very cheap, no-effort, stream of conciousness way. good stuff. i'm sure most people who read my blog moaned when they saw this long post. it's always a pain to read these long drawn out ones even if you really do care about the person and what they're writing. oh well, you did it anyway if you're reading this part, and i appreciate that. comment with contrived and hackeneyed advice if you want, probably wouldn't hurt to hear it for the 2131st time. or better yet, leave awesome advice that puts everything into perspective and changes my life. that kind of comment is preferable :).
now i'm gonna find some food somewhere and go to sleep again so that i can get up at 8 and go to church (which is good, though early...) and then go to work at 3 and then get done at 8 and then come home and work on a paper, then go to sleep then get up at 5:30 and go to work until noon then come home and work on more papers then whatever... good times.
At 3:57 PM, November 20, 2005,
BigNailCow said…
It wasn't a pain to read. And I don't have any advice. I'm in the same boat, and it's filling up with water from the hole I made in it myself. But you know that.
At 1:43 AM, November 21, 2005,
Watchman said…
That's a great book. I'll be praying for you dude. This world is too broken and screwed up for us to go through it on our own.
At 2:42 PM, November 24, 2005,
Coca-Bokeh said…
We should all become Jedi.
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