will's blog...

because YOUR life sucks...

Monday, November 28, 2005

so i finally fixed my audioscrobbler, which is apparently now last.fm... i formatted a while back and never bothered to re-download the plugin for itunes. now, once again, you can see what i'm listening to. how's that for cross-sensory-interactivity.

that's the word of the day by the way. i just declared it to be so. cause i like it.

also: semi-big news!

i added a quote blog to the list of links to the right. ross and i have been discussing the need for one for quite some time. we just say too many ridiculous and awesome things everyday to not catalog it all. right now ross and i are the moderators and will hopefully update it on a semi-regular basis. hilarity will likely ensue.

i'm sure you're semi-excited about that now.

and while i'm on the topic, how 'bout that writings blog? whoo, it lasted a long time. i'm probably gonna do something similar to the quote blog and add multiple posters. if anyone wants to become a member and post on it i'd be glad to invite you. it'll be, as geoff suggested so long ago, a kind of slashdot (or now digg) of our group's thoughts and ideas. comment if you'd like to be added to it.

that's about it for blog-admin stuff tonight. maybe now i'll actually get to some studying for my finals... maybe.


  • At 7:30 PM, December 01, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You know what's even more exciting? ->> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4489792.stm


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