will's blog...

because YOUR life sucks...

Friday, January 06, 2006

so i started playing F.E.A.R. again after a long break (which was filled with other games like city of heroes and such). i had been playing for quite a while this morning and decided to take a break because i was thoroughly creeped out. i decided to check on my status in the game using gamefaqs, to see how far i was... turns out i'm only just under halfway... god, it's like the most enjoyable game i don't want to play. heh. "horror" games tend to get to me a lot more than horror movies. it's not like the suprises and general creepiness throw my skills off, i haven't died once-- hell, i hardly ever take damage (thank you bullet-time)... i dunno something about that little girl alma just freaks me out.

if you're a gamer and you haven't played the game you should. it's pretty damn awesome. some of the best fps gunplay i've ever experienced.

not too much else is going on at the moment. i'm finished with my job and waiting for school to start on monday.

hopefully we can organize a lan party soon. it needs to happen. another thing that should happen is a civ IV lan party. i'll try to work on that, if your interested let me know.


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