I live a very emotionally sheltered life. I'm certainly don't think that I'm sheltered in any other way really. I get exposed to all kinds of other things in society, the news, or whatever. But as far as emotions go, I feel like I'm just kind of out of the loop. I lead a pretty good life--I have great friends, I do fun things, I eat good food, and I have a nice place to live. I'm happy the great majority of the time. Sometimes I get depressed or bored. Pretty normal stuff really.
But... I don't seem to experience the great extremes of emotion all that often. Nearly any strong emotion I feel I create for myself. Intense happiness or joy is usually the result of me purposely cultivating happiness and approaching things in such a way that I become joyful. It rarely just happens. Likewise, any great despair I feel is usually self-induced.
I may regret saying this later, but I long for drama in my life. Emotions, whether positive or negative, are some of the most amazing experiences that I ever have. I seem to love to be a bubbling cauldron of effervescence or to be down and depressed to the point that only a good night's sleep will shake me out of it. These feelings never seem to be induced by external forces though. Even when they are, the things that are influencing my feelings are usually things that were set up by me (sometimes conciously, sometimes not) for that purpose.
My relationships don't often create these feelings in me. Aside from the occasional annoyance I get along quite well with my friends. I'm always happy to be around them, but very rarely does being with them make me feel 'wonderful.' I think that a great part of this is that I have a very close and small circle of friends with whom I routinely interact. At this point it's all just that--routine. A great routine, but a routine nonetheless. My less than stellar luck at meeting the lady-folk doesn't help this either. It seems to me that a relationship of that nature would definately entail both ends of the emotional spectrum to a much greater degree than the relationships I have with my friends.
I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. I've just been thinking about it recently. When watching shows (tv or anime or movies) I seem to almost get jealous of the characters as they go though the emotional extremes and get put in such dramatic situations. I want to experience what they're going through, both good and bad. It's actually a little unsettling when you realize while watching a show that you're thinking to yourself, "man, I wish I could get my heart broken." Yeah, I'm probably quite odd.
There are a great many things that I want to change about the way I live my life in the next year or two. This problem will probably become less of a problem if I'm successful. I definitely think that it is more of a symptom then a cause.
Maybe everyone lives a fairly "blah" life most of the time. Perhaps my consumption of media has left me with unrealistic expecations regarding what "real" life is like. Perhaps I'm just messed up in the head and like to get high off of emotions since I don't get drunk or high like all the other cool kids. Or perhaps I'm actually messed up in the head. The possibilities are limitless!
Anyway, just felt like writing something. Bye.
But... I don't seem to experience the great extremes of emotion all that often. Nearly any strong emotion I feel I create for myself. Intense happiness or joy is usually the result of me purposely cultivating happiness and approaching things in such a way that I become joyful. It rarely just happens. Likewise, any great despair I feel is usually self-induced.
I may regret saying this later, but I long for drama in my life. Emotions, whether positive or negative, are some of the most amazing experiences that I ever have. I seem to love to be a bubbling cauldron of effervescence or to be down and depressed to the point that only a good night's sleep will shake me out of it. These feelings never seem to be induced by external forces though. Even when they are, the things that are influencing my feelings are usually things that were set up by me (sometimes conciously, sometimes not) for that purpose.
My relationships don't often create these feelings in me. Aside from the occasional annoyance I get along quite well with my friends. I'm always happy to be around them, but very rarely does being with them make me feel 'wonderful.' I think that a great part of this is that I have a very close and small circle of friends with whom I routinely interact. At this point it's all just that--routine. A great routine, but a routine nonetheless. My less than stellar luck at meeting the lady-folk doesn't help this either. It seems to me that a relationship of that nature would definately entail both ends of the emotional spectrum to a much greater degree than the relationships I have with my friends.
I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. I've just been thinking about it recently. When watching shows (tv or anime or movies) I seem to almost get jealous of the characters as they go though the emotional extremes and get put in such dramatic situations. I want to experience what they're going through, both good and bad. It's actually a little unsettling when you realize while watching a show that you're thinking to yourself, "man, I wish I could get my heart broken." Yeah, I'm probably quite odd.
There are a great many things that I want to change about the way I live my life in the next year or two. This problem will probably become less of a problem if I'm successful. I definitely think that it is more of a symptom then a cause.
Maybe everyone lives a fairly "blah" life most of the time. Perhaps my consumption of media has left me with unrealistic expecations regarding what "real" life is like. Perhaps I'm just messed up in the head and like to get high off of emotions since I don't get drunk or high like all the other cool kids. Or perhaps I'm actually messed up in the head. The possibilities are limitless!
Anyway, just felt like writing something. Bye.
At 10:01 PM, January 13, 2007,
Meg said…
Hey. We haven't talked in awhile, but out of habit I keep checking this anyway. It was nice (and interesting) to read your deeper thoughts instead of just the typical surface material most people end up posting.
I hope everything is still going well with you.
At 10:56 AM, January 14, 2007,
Anonymous said…
I think everybody wants what they can't have.
Sometimes, I feel like my life is a goddamned soap opera, because drama infiltrates my every relationship, from romantic to my circle of friends.
I can understand why you'd want a little "spice in your life," because sometimes I also feel like I'm just dragging my heels into the ground, but the whole getting your heart broken...no.
You really don't want that.
When you get screwed by a member of the opposite sex, it's something that will completely fuck you up and then will stay with you for the rest of your life.
It hurts to realize that you'll probably never be with anyone else because you're so damaged.
You really should be happy that your life has tended to be a non-emotional rollercoaster thus far, becaue I'd pay ANY amount of money to erase the memories of the shit I've gone through just this past semester alone.
True, these are things I've learned from, and things I'll always remember, but crying yourself to sleep dozens of time in a few months span is really not a feeling you want to experience.
The "bubbling cauldron of effervesence/depressed to the point of sleep" thing...that's manic depression. [Haha.] It may seem appealing to you if you feel you never have an emotional extreme, but take it from a diagnosed manic depressive--it sucks when you can't control your emotions like that. I hate being with my friends, having the best time of my life one second, and be literally bawling tears the next for no reason. Sometimes, emotional extremes aren't all they're cracked up to be.
I think it's ironically funny that you say you want to change your life this next year, essentially including that this stuff will change, because I made the exact same resolution, but only to rid my life of drama and cut out relationships that will lead me to become more broken than I already am.
Regardless, I'm not trying to lecture you, I'm just saying to be happy that you haven't already experienced some of the more piercing pains of life.
[I just wish I could have been hurt as badly as I have by my best friends/romantic interests later on in life, rather than earlier.]
I do wish you luck, however, in your endeavors to maybe find things/people that will fulfill your life emotionally, as you feel lacking.
Don't start getting drunk and high like the cool kids.
It's not all it's cracked up to be...
At 1:47 PM, January 14, 2007,
Will said…
Yeah, no doubt. (what a great response to a well thought out comment...) The heart-breaking thing is more of just an illustration, because if I think about it for more than a few seconds I of course realize that it would not be a good thing.
And as far as the emotional extremes go i'm relatively sure it's not a pyschological issue. Well, at least not that one, heh. I've found that I'm quite adept at controlling and altering my emotions. I'm usually able to make myself feel the way that I want to feel at the time. Most all of my emotional extremes thus far in life have been self-induced, which is probably why the external alternatives don't sound so bad.
It's kind of like when I purposely fuck up in class just so that I'll have some reason to be motivated towards it. Yeah, that's one of the main reasons I'm taking time off. Probably not a good way to go through college: setting yourself up for failure just so that you have a reason to strive for success.
Also: it's good to know that you both still read my blog. I've been wondering recently about who still does.
At 8:36 AM, January 17, 2007,
BigNailCow said…
My brain is melting, so I can't really form any coherent thoughts on the matter. But, as you know, I operate in much the same way.
Do you think your tendency to bitch incessantly about games is intentional?
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