Reddit Quote(s) of the Day
In response to a reddit thread regarding replacing the word God on U.S. currency with other deities such as Zeus or the Flying Spaghetti Monster:
froderick 11 points 9 hours ago[-]
Brocklesocks 16 points 3 hours ago[-]
PenName 12 points 3 hours ago[-]
blackstar9000 8 points 3 hours ago[-]
tad_ghostal 7 points 3 hours ago[-]
blackstar9000 12 points 3 hours ago* [-]
froderick 11 points 9 hours ago[-]
You mean every AMERICAN Atheist I'm guessing. In Australia, there is no mention of God on our currency.
Brocklesocks 16 points 3 hours ago[-]
You mean there are people outside of America??
PenName 12 points 3 hours ago[-]
Yes. There are two types of people in this world. Americans and Illegal Immigrants.
blackstar9000 8 points 3 hours ago[-]
Depends on what you mean by "people"...
tad_ghostal 7 points 3 hours ago[-]
blackstar9000 12 points 3 hours ago* [-]
Logically, that doesn't make sense.
* P1: Maybe the dingo ate your baby.
* P2: Terrorists eat children.
* Ergo, if the dingo ate your baby, dingos are terrorists.
* P3: The Cheney Clause: If there's any possibility that the dingo ate your baby, we must assume that the dingo did, in fact, eat your baby.
* C1: Dingos are terrorists.
* P4: It is wrong to torture people.
* P5: Americans have tortured terrorists.
* Ergo, if terrorists are people, then America is wrong.
* P6: America is right.
* C2: Terrorists are not people.
* QED dingos are not people.
I know that logical correction can sometimes be wounding to the ego, but I hope that you'll take it in the spirit it was offered. Unless you're a dingo, and then I hope it burns like salt in your beady little eyes.
At 10:57 PM, February 04, 2009,
Eryn said…
I love this so much! (XD)
P.S. Sorry for replying to old posts.
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