will's blog...

because YOUR life sucks...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Why should I argue...

...against religion when the religious do it so well for me.

Tens of thousands of Muslim women are protesting a bill that gives them equal rights in marriage:
"It's a tiny minority of women here that wants this new law - the intellectuals. The poor and illiterate women of this country - the real Muslims - are against it," she [Hadja Sapiato Dembele of the National Union of Muslim Women's Associations] added.
Really? ...REALLY?

Yes, this is their culture and they have different values than we in the West do (or supposedly do), but I firmly reject the apologetic view that we shouldn't judge them based on those values. If this was a strictly secular issue women from all over the globe would be up in arms at the actions of these Muslim women, but because this is a religious issue it is perfectly reasonable for these "poor and illiterate" women to actively seek their own disenfranchisement. It's just odd to us in the West, not appalling or infuriatingly absurd. These people just have different values and we must respect that, right?



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