will's blog...

because YOUR life sucks...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Heroes: Play-By-Play

I decided I'd do a kind of play-by-play analysis of the first episode of season 3 of Heroes that aired last night. Some of it was good, some of it was bad. A lot of it was pure silliness.

Oh, and before I begin... SPOILER ALERT!!!

Episode 1:
1. Run Peter run!
2. Evil Claire just looks trashy.
3. You can tell that future Peter is evil because his face has a scar across it. Brilliant.
4. Huzzah! More random time travel antics!
5. So Claire, your plan was to shoot Peter? Really? REALLY?
6. I thought that the person in the black coat and cap at the end of season 2 looked a little thin to be Noah.
7. That's pretty damn cold Peter.
8. I suppose that since Parkman now has control over his powers he won't randomly tune in to people's thoughts, but it seems like it would stick out that there are two Peter's who's thoughts he can read nearby.
9. Quick Peter, chase after your future evil self! Tweedle Dumb chasing Tweedle Dumber... I love it.
10. Yeah Claire, you're in California, it's not like I can teleport or anything. Oh wait, this is present day n00b me, I can't just use my powers at will for whatever reason. Oh well, guess it's up to these paramedics.
11. Surprise! Fooled you! It was just a bunch of ketchup packets! I was just kidding about that whole being dead thing!
12. Nathan looks a little zombie-esque, what with the whitish skin and all.
13. You're getting pretty good at that Hiro.
14. You have a point, I suppose office life is pretty boring after saving the world twice.
15. When Deus Ex comes knocking you better answer the door.
16. Speaking of doors... I hope you've learned a valuable lesson my dear Claire, you NEVER OPEN DOORS.
17. Sylar!!!
18. Yay Sylar!
19. Oh come on, you're telekinetic and you let her sucker-smack you with a trophy? You're better than that Sylar.
20. Yeah, Sylar telekinetically closed the blinds. What'cha gonna do now Claire?
21. The little hide-and-go-seek game is fun, but I would have just made Claire stab herself with that big knife. That would have been quite funny.
22. "Hay guys, I'm standing right behind you."
23. Yes, a dog chain wrapped around the handles of a flimsy, wooded closet door. That'll stop someone who can move things with his mind. Also, he can turn solid objects into liquid. Good luck with that one.
24. Apparently Maya didn't expect Mohinder to be coming to his own home? Well done.
25. "So basically Maya, what I'm saying is, you travelled all this way for nothing. But you did manage to help Sylar get his powers back, so it's not a total loss. Right?"
26. Mohinder is a douchebag.
27. "I'm George Takei. I'm awesome."
28. Apparently Hiro is more concerned with being a hero then honoring his father, or more importantly, keeping the world safe. Fair enough.
29. Ah, a hidden button that was expertly hidden... on top of the desk. Excellent.
30. Apparently if you run really, really fast you leave colored streaks in the air.
31. Ewww, the trail is all sticky.
32. I fail to see how being able to go really fast enables you to ignore time being stopped.
33. You can always count on Parkman to be awesome. Too bad he's outclassed in this matchup.
34. When did having slicked-back hair become a sign of evil. It just looks bad... not evil.
35. "Sweet, free suit!"
36. "Though I showed no earlier signs of spirituality, I have now found the Jesus. Hallelujah!"
37. Ladies and gentlemen, your next president of the United States! (wait, I thought we already did that in this series.)
38. Man, Peter shooting his own brother twice in one episode... that would just be too much. I draw the line at one shooting of one's own family per week in any series I watch.
39. Mohinder is a douchebag.
40. "When I have the power of the heroes... I. Will. Be. Unstoppable." Yeah, shut up Mohinder, you douchebag.
41. Wait, so Claire's still held up in the closet. I thought we've been over this: telekinesis and/or liquification powers = no more door.
42. Well, I guess Sylar now has enough to keep him busy for quite a while. Good thing those files were just left on the table in a cardboard box labeled "Dad's Office." Nice one.
43. How could Claire have snuck up on Sylar? He has super hearing. Perhaps he's still getting used to it again after losing it for so long? Regardless, up until this point (ha, knife point) Sylar has not been using his powers like he should.
44. Oh yes, I've been wanting this since beginning of the second season. Sylar FTW! I guess I will have to watch this show after all. Have I mentioned that I have a total man-crush on Sylar? Seriously, best character in the series.
45. "Claire, that's disgusting." Well, I'm finally glad that was put to rest. No nom-nomming on the brains for Sylar after all.
46. So apparently after Sylar "sees" how the powers work in a person he can just reprogram his brain to do the same? That's pretty wicked.
47. See, it's not Sylar's fault that he killed all those people... they just couldn't survive having their heads opened up. Not his problem.
48. Mohinder is a douchebag.
49. Also, Mohinder has slicked back hair. As we've learned previously, that means he's evil now.
50. Angels? Oh I get it! You can fly Nathan, like an angel!
51. And Linderman is back, which is awesome because Malcom McDowell is awesome.
52. Oh so it's "Tracy" now. I. Don't. Care. Your character has been weak from the beginning. Split-personality is a lame story device and you're a lame character. I really wish you would have died in that fire. At least it would have been a heroic death. Screw you, you make the series less intersting and much more aggrivating.
53. Sucks to be you Parkman.
54. This future Hiro is significantly less badass than the old future Hiro.
55. Looks like Mohinder's little treatment has gotten around in the future?
56. Mohinder is a douchebag.
57. Oh I see, Angela Petrelli's power is to dream. Impressive.
58. Apparently by "working for the Company" Noah meant he was going to "rot in a cell for the Company." Cool.
59. Hey! Parkman found graffiti in the middle of the desert!
60. Mohinder is a douchebag... with super strength.

I probably won't do the same for the second episode, but I will sum up with the following:
Mohinder's change of character is just inexplicable.
Apparently they are never actually going to develop Hiro's character.
Surely they can come up with interesting plots that don't involve time travel scenarios that make no sense.
Screw Nikki/Tracy. Such a weak/annoying character. The rest of her family were much better.

I'll keep watching, but it seems as if they just keep throwing things at the viewer and hoping something sticks. I think that if you just don't except too much from the show then it is enjoyable. Oh well, at least I'll get to see Sylar kill people.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

On the Economy:

Sigh... just watch it...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Adventures and Results

Last night around 9:30PM or so Michael, Marius, and I were about to commence with the usual evening game playing when I received a call from Aka. "Ooh, maybe he'll want to join," I thought. Alas, this was no the case. Aka's car would not start and he needed a jump. I rounded up the guys (who might not have gone except that, as Michael put it, "we boys") and headed toward UTD. After one unsuccessful attempt at jumping Aka's automobile we relocated to a better lit area and switched jumper cables. The car then started up and seemed to be running fine.

Aka needed gas so we resolved to follow him to the station just in case his car refused to start again after it was shut off. It was a wise course of action. After a long time of working with the battery and fuses, a trip by Michael to acquire some tools, and help from a good samaritan named Ed, we got the vehicle in a decent running condition. By the time we got back to our place after following Aka to his it was about 2:30AM. Good times.

I then took a nap and woke up early to finish up my "Culture Jam" project for class. The results can be viewed in my Flikr account that is now linked on the right. Gonna keep the Flikr around for uploading any visual creations that I... er... create. The things there now are simple, but hopefully amusing.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Ahhhh... Intermission

I like Thursdays a great deal. It's both my longest day of classes and the day that most of my weekly assignments are due (if they aren't due on Wednesday). It's such a feeling of relief when I get done with class at 3:45. Sure, I have a couple of classes on Friday, but they usually don't have anything to turn in. I can just enjoy my evening, usually with Eryn, and not have to worry about reading and writing until my eyes/fingers bleed.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You Know... I Used to Think Matt Damon Was Kind of a Cake Eater...

...but he's really rocking the shit in this one.

Yeah, Matt Damon is pretty cool.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

That's Not Change We Can Believe In.... heh heh he hehh...

Monday, September 08, 2008

A Programming Note

Another blog has been added to the list on the right. It would seem that my girlfriend has taken an interest in filling a digital canvas. That is all.

More to Read

Just wanted to throw up links to a few good reads:

We're Gonna Frickin' Lose This Thing
Sarah Palin's 9 Most Disturbing Beliefs

The first one is very good and I think sums up quite effectively some of the obstacles the Democrats are currently facing in this election.

The second one isn't so much a good read for it's topic or prose, but it does pull together a lot of important Palin information.

One particular quote from Gov. Palin regarding the troops in Iraq from the second article (which in turn pulls this from the NYT) is pause worthy. She asked a group of church leaders to pray
"that our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God...That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan."
...really? REALLY?

Praying that God protects our troops--that they're brought home safely--is great. But praying for a religious justification for a war (and thereby implying there is a religious justification for a war)? No, unacceptable.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

You must watch this.