will's blog...

because YOUR life sucks...

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

as many of you may know, i believe that spiderman is the greatest superhero ever. in fact, i know he is. i've always loved spiderman. he's always been the superhero as far as i've been concerned (with gambit coming in a distant second).
- he has awesome powers, but they aren't overbearing or too much like superman, or green lantern, or most any other superhero (batman is pretty badass as well, but spiderman is far superior). the spidey sense has got to be the best power ever.
- he's a nerd. he's a teenager. he's me. heh. he has everyday problems. he isn't perfect. he's a comic book geek (in a comic book...). he likes math and science. he's this akward kid but manages to do all he does. it's amazing.
- he's got mary jane. and, if you were unaware, mary jane is the best comic book girlfriend in existance. she's smart, understanding, and a bunch of other positive qualities that i'm not gonna list. oh, and she's mad hot. she totally supports what he does, but not in an idealized way as you might see in other comics. both she and peter are 'real'.

now, i get to my point. i went with lance today, or rather this morning, to see spiderman 2 at the first showing--at midnight. it was badass. better than the first. i was never one to imagine myself as someone else, to pretend i was a hero or a different person, but spiderman was the exception back in the day. this movie rekindled some of that childhood retardedness.

the movie, i think anyway, does justice to all that is spiderman. now granted, it ain't perfect. it has a few moments that could have been better, but on the whole it's damn good. toby mcguire has done an excellent job portraying peter parker and kirsten dunst has done pretty well with mj. peter parker's inner conflicts were expressed quite well in both movies. the action was much better in this installment. it really captured what makes spiderman so awesome as far as actual crime fighting goes. they really emphasise his crazy-good agility, a key power that i don't think got enough credit in the first. the villian was much better (both because doc. oc. is a cooler villian and because the actor was better). in general, it was just a damn good movie.

of course... my opinion might be a little tainted as i am a spiderman nut... which is funny considering i've only read one spiderman comic in my life... heh... i should be ashamed...

well, that's about it... as mj would say: "go get em' tiger"

heh, spidey and mj make me happy.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

you know what pisses me off?

<3 <---- this pisses me off.

i like ascii art as much as the next guy... but i mean... damn!
why is everyone and their dog using this these days...

i've gotten used to that god-awful phrase 'lol' over time... it, at least, has been around for ever. but just recently has the little heart thingy gained popularity... and it pisses me off. i can only stand for so much stupid chat-room bullshit. i suppose this is somewhat hypocritical, i use brb all the time, and even the occational emoticon ( :) ), but still... this is just retarded...

...or maybe i'm just bitter.

oh, and i also use things like 'wtf' and 'stfu' and 'omfg', but those are good since they incorporate the word 'fuck' into cute internet slang.

on a similar note... wtf (heh) is up with the 'now playing:' stuff that people do. yeah, i know that it isn't just a recent thing like the '<3' thingy, but still... WHO GIVES A SHIT?!? well, i don't anyway... i have never once dled a song and listened to song because someone put it in their 'now listening to:' section of their profile/blog/xanga/livejournal/whatever. if the song is really that damn good tell me to go get it, actually tell me and odds are that i will.

i really should capitalize/punctuate correctly when i type in my blog or in aim convesrations. i think that maddox guy is right about that. i've been doing it like this for so long now though that it would be kinda retarded to change.

it was about this time that i realized how pointless all this ranting was. i started to rant about something actaully meaningful (in this case the upcoming presidential election). then i stopped. that was pointless too...


i'm done.

p.s. if you think your life sucks please just stfu and get over it. everyone's life sucks... and it dosen't help anyone to hear you bitch and whine when everyone else has their own damn problems. you really can't expect someone to just come along and fix it for you... the only person who can do that is you... so instead of just wallowing in self-pity and other bullshit that annoys the hell out of me, why don't you just fix the damn problem. it probably isn't that bad anyway. life sucks, get over it, and instead of making you and everyone around you miserable, why not just have a little fun? is it really that hard? i didn't think so.

p.p.s. (i'm not talking about tragic events in life, such as a loved one dying or leaving or something like that, i'll accept bitching/whining in those kinds of situations, but other than that... just stfu and make a change for the better.)

Monday, June 28, 2004

i managed to do absolutely nothing today. w00t. sat around. played day of defeat. watched 4 episodes of stargate sg-1 on the scifi channel. heh. that show is awesome.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

fairly long post today. well, not really, but it seems like i did a lot...

woke up at 1 pm. hurray for that. did some chores around the house then went with my mom to see "saved!".

on a side note: i find it comical that my sunday school class (which is almost all adult, many older than 40) decided to see saved as a class activity, but we didn't see the passion. heh... comical. should tell you something about my church.

anyway, "saved!" is a damn good movie and i highly reccomend it. quite comical, and very true if you ask me. i wouldn't mind seeing it again if people wanted to go... heh...

in the evening i went to chipotle to hang out with people (though i had already eaten chinese with the folks). we then went to scott's and watched american pie. meh... about what i expected it to be... at least now i can say i've seen it though...

that's about it. don't steal anything on your way out. thanks.

Friday, June 25, 2004

yesterday i ran some errands for my folks. had to go to the library to photocopy my license for insurance purposes. i then had to grocery shop. fun.

that night my parents didn't wanna cook dinner. i went out to eat. went to chicken and rice. this was the first time in a damn long time i've eaten by myself. i mean, sure, i've eaten alone at home, but that dosen't really count, and i'm usually on my computer anyway so i'm talking to someone though aim or teamspeak. anyway... it got fairly lonely. it's true what those studies say, computer gamers/geeks really are incredibly social/socially dependent people.

after sitting in chicken and rice for a little while i decided to take the rest of my dinner over to gussie field park to eat. figured it would be a least a little more interesting. i sat under the pavilion and watched little kids ride their bikes around. passed a stray ball back to some kids playing basketball. that was about it.

yeah, i'm gonna try to avoid eating alone in the future.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

stupid blogging... keep forgetting. not much has been going on. can't really remember yesterday (you know it must have been exciting). today i got up early to drive my dad to work. this was necessary because i needed the car to get to a dentist appointment that morning. i went to the dentist and got some cavities filled that i got when i had my braces on. the right half of my face was numb till about 1:30. it was fun. I picked my dad up when he got off. this evening i hung out with phil and then with ross and phil. we went to frys and fucked around. we then watched denis leary's "no cure for cancer" stand-up special. so funny. that's about it. yeah, whateva.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

so i don't normally read bash.org (an archive of irc conversations basically)... but tim showed me this one... and it's fucking brilliant:

glome> Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?!
content> glome stole the cookie from the cookie jar!
glome> Who me?!
content> Yes you!
glome> Couldn't be!
content> Then WHO?!!
glome> Woody stole the cookie from the cookie jar!
*** glome has been kicked by DrWoody (fuck you i didn't touch the motherfucking cookie, bitch)

pretty good day.

woke up at 12:00. went to open up my bank account (now that i finally got my picture driver's license). i then played some more deus ex 2. in the evening i went over to ross's to watch clerks (the movie) with him, tim, aka, and sarah. i had forgotten just how funny that movie is.

my day seemed a lot more busy before i wrote this. oh well, it was still good.

that's about it, nothing else is really going on.

Friday, June 18, 2004

so today was actually not that bad. played deus ex 2 most of the day. (heh... douche ex 2) megan dropped by randomly at one point because she was bored. in the evening i went with ross and jessica and jessica's little sister to anime pop, a anime japanese import store...

don't look at me...

i feel so dirty...

i told myself i'd never become one of those people...

well, i'm not really, there are just a couple of anime series that i actually like, the rest utterly sucks... but still... i am sad...

i did buy something though... it's posted on the photo blog. after we left we hung out at jessica's for a while, then i came home. exciting.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

and now for the rest of the day:

daniel came over and traded some magic cards with me. he then showed me a couple of anime's. after he left i sat around for a while. in the evening troy and aka came over and we watched all of flcl. it's fucked up... not in the profound way, it's just flat out fucked up. heh. good music and beautiful animation though.

that's about it. peace.
this blog is for yesterday. got up at about 12:00. ate a couple of bagels with cream cheese. yum...

helped rents during the day. went to the rec to work out. went to choir practice at the church. choir was fun because it was our new music director's first rehersal with the choir. it was cool because he actually cares about phrasing and such. we're doing this hymn-sing thing this sunday, not a normal church service. everyone is out on the front lawn (including, hopefully, a bunch of people from the neighborhood) and we just sing a lot of songs and stuff. should be fun because all of the hymns we're singing are very upbeat.

that's about it. woke up at 9:50 this morning. ate some apple jacks. that's about all that has happened thus far today.

farewell, and, uh, may the force be with you...

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

so i was gonna go on a rant about something pointless in this post (the "currently listening to:" thing) but i realized it was pointless...

yeah... perhaps later i'll rant on something that does matter...
yeah, so today was boring...

but there was one good aspect of it all: i managed to get up at 10:00 this morning (with the help of my ipod being used as an alarm clock and blairing bad religion though my speakers at the assigned time...) and then cooked some eggs sausage and biscuts... it was good... i'm not sure what why i did all that... oh well... i was proud of myself for avoiding the cereal and instant oatmeal.

the rest of the day involved sitting around then going up to the mall (valley view) with ross to pick up a book he ordered the last time we were there. exciting, as is everything else i do.

that's about it.

on a side note: they really need to invent those holodeck things on startrek... that would be nice...

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

it has recently come to my attention that life sucks.

so does your mom... burn...

Monday, June 14, 2004


props if you know the reference... but seriously... i'm fucking bored...

nobody is even on aim anymore...

i mean, come on people... i know you all have important things to do, jobs, vacations, and what-not, but all of you should plan a little time in your schedule to entertain me... i'm not asking for much, just drop by my house or talk to me online or something...
i have made the discovery that even the most mundane task seems a lot better when you do it to 50 cent's 'in da club'. the instrumental version is usually better.

try it sometime... heh...
so... yeah... blogging... fun...

forgot to do it last night, but whateva... yesterday consisted of church followed by sitting around followed by going to the mall with ross and phil (ross had to buy some new pants and me and phil had nothing to do). we just walked around, browsed, and generally cause mayhem. saw matt spliane there during his lunch break. at one point during lunch phil, who was sitting across from me, started looking at something in the distance behind me. i turned around very quickly and ended up with my face about an inch from this girl's rack who was passing by our table. it was funny. heh.

i've got some pictures (finally) to post, i'll do that in just a bit.

last night i watched the movie 'girl next door' which was suggested to me by joe. it's a pretty funny movie, a teen movie, but a good one because of the situation the main character gets in.

that's about it.

i really hope something happens tonight, i'm bored as fuck... and let me tell you, fuck is boring...
anyway, contact me about doing stuff... unless you hate me, but that probably means you're an idiot and i wouldn't want to hang out with you anyway... and if that is the case... well fuck you! if not, well then i hope we can hang out... heh...

Sunday, June 13, 2004

woke up at 12:30 (i promise i'll start getting up earlier some day) and ate a hamburger for breakfast. yum. the rest of the day was devoted to writing an essay for the honors program up a utd. sux0r.

man, sux0r is a gay word...

anyway, my rents weren't satisfied with the essay until late tonight... which means i had to rewrite it numerous times... fun...

i did manage to play a little day of defeat tonight... but it was boring...

life is boring... we really need to film more episodes of the bl0wn.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

so i just added the link to grant's blog in my list of links.

on that note i would like to say kudos to you grant for creating a truly entertaining blog.

no offense to all the other bloggers out there... but his just has something charming about it...

kudos grant, kudos.
woke up at 8:30.

started watching trigun with ross troy and aka a little after 12:00.

took a break to go to mc donalds for dinner.

finised watching trigun a little before 12:00.

now i'm sitting here...

what a wonderful life i lead...

Thursday, June 10, 2004

yesterday i got up early and got my drivers license... about time i guess...

i then came home and went back to sleep.

last night i went scott's with some people and watched animal house and old school. funny stuff.

i just checked very important things (the link on the right) and the guy says he's not gonna make anymore... i'm sad now... those were damn funny...

i need to do something to cheer me up now...

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

just wanted to make sure you knew that my iPod is just one more example in the long list of reasons that i'm better than you.

that will be all.

...but i'll get to that in a sec...

woke up fairly early, went to pick up a shirt that i had ordered for me (it was with a gift certificate). I then went to open a bank account... which i couldn't because i didn't have a driver's license... figured all the other forms of id i have would be enough... but i guess not. later in the day i went with people to jason's deli then back to scott's house to watch harvey birdman: attorney at law.

now for the OMFG part:

i get home and there is a box for me from our friends from new orleans holly and david. i open it. i nearly fall out of my seat.

i am now the proud owner of a 15 gb iPod...


i'm kinda ashamed though, i uploaded my entire mp3 collection and still have just a little under 9 gigs free...

oh well...

man, it's fucking badass!

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

so today started out very dull-ly. woke up at 1:20 pm... i gotta get up eariler. i then sat around for a while. i hooked up with ross and we sat around for a while. we then hooked up with phil and all three sat around for a while. that's about it... exciting.

airsoft is badass... i really wanna play.

hl2 needs to come out...

i need a bigger hard drive...

Sunday, June 06, 2004

way to not comment on anything guys... i mean, scott commented on the last pic, but it wasn't so much a comment as it was a question...


heh... now i'm sure this post will get numerous comments reading "here, i commented, you happy now?"
another day, another lan party, or make that par-tay.

woke up at 8:30 today... gasp! ate breakfast with the folks (pancakes) and then headed over to phils for a lan that lasted till about 12:00 (at night). it was quite entertaining. pictures will be posted.

that's really about all there is to say about today... yeah, not that eventful really, but still good, wholesome fun for everyone.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

another 12:30 wake up call today. soon after i was up i managed to force myself to go down to turner to get them to send in a final transcript to UTD... i figure that might be important... heh... after that i played some gunbound with the guys and then went to wingstop with ross, craig, jessica, casey, and david. yummy stuff.

that's really all there was today... seems like a waste...

oh well...

it's not like there's really anything i can be accomplishing right now anyway...

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

got up at 12:30 today... i'm getting better... i sat around until i was able to force myself to go mow the lawn... physical labor sucks.

i just got home from choir practice up at the church. this sunday we are gonna do a thing that my mom cooked up that is gonna be badass. it's a combination of "let it be" by the beatles and the hymn "it is well with my soul." it's gonna be so badass to sing the beatles in church this sunday. w00t. makes me happy. it's about time we got some "new" stuff in that church...

on the way home i got to do a little more storm chasing... i actually had my camera with me this time, if any of the pictures turned out well i'll post em.

that's about it for today.

ha ha ha... cookies on dowels!

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

today was pretty good. i woke up at 1:10 pm. w00t for summer. i then sat on my ass and proceeded to do nothing. i eventually got a game of rise of nations going. in the evening i went to a 9 year old's birthday party. it's a camping trip thing, but obviously i didn't stay the night.

on the way home all the storms hit and naturally (as my mother is a news reporter for KRLD) she got called out to go storm chasing. we drove around in the storm observing damage and street flooding and some badass lightning for an hour or so. it was fun. not the best storm chasing i've ever been with her on, but it was good. i wish i would have had my camera to take some pictures of it all, it was badass.

i think my dream job list is something like this:
1) jedi
2) lead singer in a punk band
3) computer game programmer (or something similar)
4) something else in the computer game industry
5) storm chaser
6) slacker (as in the office space "do nothing" job description)

wait a minute... i think slacker is number 1... oh well...
so i have an internet radio station now...

go to http://rabidfm.ath.cx:1337 to listen...

im me if you have any problems... i'm not sure what all i'm gonna play on it, whether i'm just gonna keep it one genre costantly (like all punk) or perhaps change the theme every day or two...

im me if you have any preference (if you're even gonna listen)

oh yeah, and because i'm on crappy dsl i can only support about 5 listeners at a time... not like i'll ever have more than 5 listening anyway...