will's blog...

because YOUR life sucks...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Good Read.

Nothing really new in the article, but it's amusing and sums up things nicely.


I've been reading Rolling Stone political coverage from the '72 election all semester. It would seem they've kept that same kind of spirit alive, though perhaps not as, um, intense as Hunter S. Thompson was.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Left 4 Dead is amazing. Hot damn, it's fun.

Let's just hope that the real zombies aren't that damned fast when the dead actually do rise.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


So it all came together the way it was supposed to. What a relief it is for the election to be over and for the worries that someway, somehow, we would still manage to lose this thing. Got to love that liberal self-defeating doubt, heh. I look forward to seeing just what President Obama will be able to do. Being a student of politics my expectations for change are low, but I feel his mere presence at 1600 Pennsylvania will nudge America in a better direction.

Had an election night party which was quite fun and led to a long discussion of campaign strategies and future strategies that lasted long into the night. Perhaps I'll try to recreate some of the points made and post them here.

When I think about Obama's victory I usually don't think about him being the first black president. Yes, the significance occurs to me after more detailed reflection and it does overjoy me, but it's not what initially occupies my thoughts when I consider last night. I think about the politician, the person, the policies, and, most importantly, the direction that I voted for and that I think will help this country get back on the right path. I think many young voters are like me. I think the youth have been "post-racial" for a while now. Maybe the MSM didn't get that memo.

Oh yeah, and this:
If you followed the election as closely as I have you'll find it quite amusing.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day!

Woooo! Election Day! YEAAAAAAH!