well, i'm all moved into my new apartment. it's exciting. i think that it turned out very well. hopefully i'll get some pictures up soon, but i'm kinda holding off on taking them until i get a bit more moved-in/unpacked.
our living room is most definately bitchin': 2 couches (well, a couch and a loveseat to be precise) and a nice 27" tv. thank you best buy, and by best buy i mean your employee discount. our kitchen is fully stocked with food and cooking equipment; pots, pans, and the like. my room is mostly set up, i just have to unpack a few more boxes. i have an actual bed this year, with a frame and everything... watch out... i've got my comprota set up on a desk (the same one i've had since middle school--it's a wonder it's still standing...) and my slowly growning book collection on a nice little bookshelf. it's good stuff.
i started classes last thursday. so far they've gone pretty well. i guess i'll post my schedule for easy reference:
best buy morning-5:00pm
drawing for animation 7:00-9:45pm
history of tech. in western civ. 11:00-12:15pm
american pop. culture 2:00-3:15pm
understanding film 3:30-6:15pm
2d design (art) 3:30-6:15pm
history of tech. in western civ. 11:00-12:15pm
american pop. culture 2:00-3:15pm
best buy morning-2:00 or 3:00pm
yep, that's about it. i believe i had more to blog about, but i can't remember it now, so i guess i'll stop. maybe i'll think of it later.
until then, keep it rizzo.